Philodendron Glorious vs Gloriosum – What Sets Them Apart?
Identifying the right variety of Philodendrons can be a difficult task for beginner plant collectors. Many of my friends and colleagues have regretted getting the ...
Identifying the right variety of Philodendrons can be a difficult task for beginner plant collectors. Many of my friends and colleagues have regretted getting the ...
Not getting sufficient light can be a stressful condition for a Monstera. Insufficient light can make the plant less thriving and sick. Even though direct ...
Stunted growth and lack of new leaves in the Philodendron Monstera are worrisome conditions for philodendron collectors. As Monstera is a finicky plant, its growth ...
A philodendron pink princess is always in demand due to its vibrant green and pink leaves. This stunning houseplant is quite popular among gardeners as ...
Issues like root rot can make every Monstera lover feel disappointed. Although this variety of philodendrons loves moisture, too much of it can lead to ...
Most philodendron lovers, like me, have experienced issues caused by overwatering a Monstera. It is one of the common mistakes that can make this tropical ...
A low-maintenance tropical plant like philodendron Monstera can be a masterpiece wherever it is kept. So, plant lovers often get disappointed and scared if they ...
The key to a healthy and happy pink princess starts with using the right soil. The potting mix used while growing this tropical plant determines ...
Create the ideal environment for your Monstera to flourish. Learn the importance of proper lighting to adjust your plant's needs for vibrant growth.
Struggling with curling leaves on your Pink Princess? Learn about common culprits and expert tips to revive your plant and prevent future problems.
A pink princess with vibrant pink and green leaves can make your home a little piece of tropical paradise. As this beautiful plant needs too ...
Struggling to keep your Philodendron Atabapoense happy? Learn how to care, light, water & fertilize this stunning plant for thriving growth.
Are you struggling with dirty Pink Princess leaves? Here is the expert leaf-cleaning guide and ways to restore its vibrant pink hues.
Struggling with Philodendron Pink Princess growth? Learn how to encourage healthy moss pole climbing for a vibrant, thriving plant.
The right care and perfect soil mixture can make your beloved Pink Princess flourish like never before. Plant parents often complain about their Philodendrons’ slow ...
A perfect watering routine is important for a pink princess to stay healthy and happy. Both over-watering and under-watering can cause severe damage to the ...
Want a happy, healthy Pink Princess? Find out the best placement for your plant to flourish and showcase its stunning pink variegation.
Is your beloved cat at risk? Uncover the truth about Pink Princess Philodendron toxicity symptoms, & prevention tips to protect your kitty from harm.
A philodendron white ice princess has unique features that make it popular among gardeners. It can produce leaves that look like a beautiful canvas with ...
Both Philodendron Melanochrysum and Micans are gorgeous plants that share some similar features. These stunning plants require low maintenance and care to grow and thrive; ...
As you all know philodendrons are tropical plants and mostly found in the rainforests of Central America, these plants receive adequate amounts of humidity in ...
A Pink princess is one of the beautiful varieties of philodendrons with heart-shaped leaves splashed in vibrant shades of pink. Its stunning pink color makes ...
A Philodendron Red Sun comes in a vibrant red-purple, burgundy, and green foliage that adds that extra color to your indoor space. It is mostly ...
Unlike some similar varieties of Philodendrons, McColley’s Finale and Prince of Orange resemble some similar features. This may make it difficult for beginners to distinguish ...
Are you struggling with small philodendron leaves? Learn how to optimize care and watch your philodendron leaves explode with size.
Philodendron collectors like me may have noticed ugly black spots on the leaves of their Philodendrons. This situation can be disappointing as being Philodendron lovers, ...
Looking for lush, vertical greenery to elevate your home decor? These climbing philodendrons will add a touch of elegance & transform your space.
Unlike other varieties of philodendron, a White Knight and a White Princess resemble similar features. So, it sometimes becomes confusing for beginner collectors to identify ...
Philodendron has a huge variety and caramel marble is one of the popular houseplants with large leaves that are yellow, orange green, red, pink, and ...
Thinking of giving your philodendron a taste of the outdoors this summer? Learn about light needs, temperature zones, & avoid transplant shock.
Philodendrons have become quite popular nowadays and most of its varieties have large beautiful colored leaves. As it is a fast-growing and low-maintenance plant so; ...
The name Philodendron McDowell was created by John Banta in 1988. He named it after the name of his friend, Dean McDowell. It is a ...
Pruning a philodendron is important for the growth of the plant. To make your plant look more beautiful and to keep it in proper shape, ...
Philodendron red king can change the interior of your house with its beautiful leaves. This variety of philodendron is found mostly in the tropical areas ...
Philodendrons are one of the most beautiful plants with their green, lush foliage. Being a tropical plant, a philodendron prefers warm and humid conditions to ...
Is your beloved Philodendron losing its vibrancy? Learn the causes of Philodendron leaf browning & implement the effective recovery strategies.
In their natural habitat tropical plants like philodendrons grow along trunks of trees, vines, or on flat ground. However, these climbing plant needs support to ...
Due to its beautiful appearance and different variegation, a philodendron is loved by most collectors. Even though it is a tropical plant found in rainforests, ...
Being a tropical plant philodendrons are quite easy to grow and do not need much care and attention to survive. So, beginners always love to ...
A Caramel Marble and a Ring of Fire are the two most beautiful and well-known species of Philodendron that can add some visual interest to ...
It often becomes difficult to differentiate among huge varieties of philodendrons. As some variegation of this plant looks similar so, people often get confused. In ...
Besides being a philodendron collector, I am also a pet lover and have many cats and dogs at my home. They are like my kids, ...
Choosing the right pot is one of the major factors that should be taken into consideration. Even after taking proper care if you notice your ...
Being a tropical plant, a philodendron prefers warm and humid weather conditions to grow and thrive. These aroid species are mostly found in the rainforests ...
Philodendrons are low-maintenance plants that can be grown as both indoor and outdoor plants. Although it is quite easy to take care of a philodendron, ...
Repotting a philodendron is necessary to make it look beautiful and fresh. The plant becomes root-bound if repotting is not done from time to time. ...
Using the right soil is very important to make a philodendron stay healthy, grow fast, and thrive long. This climbing plant has specific soil needs ...
Different unique variegation of Philodendrons has become quite demanding nowadays and also very popular among collectors. A white wizard is not exceptional as it is ...
Like its name, Philodendron Imperial Red is a colorful tropical plant that most gardeners, including myself love. It is a low-maintenance houseplant that can brighten ...
Philodendron Moonlight is one of the most popular and loved houseplants that is a top pick among collectors. Unlike all other varieties of philodendron, this ...