Philodendron Mamei (Silver Cloud) Care – A Definitive Guide

Philodendron mamei “silver cloud” is a creeper with large heart-shaped leaves and silvery markings on them. This plant is known as a silver cloud because of the silver pattern on its leaves.

As it is a tropical creeping plant with an epiphytic nature, it can also creep up trees. The leaves of a mamei silver cloud are not as leathery as other varieties of philodendron. the leaves have a clean pleated look with deep veins.

this is a Philodendron Mamei silver cloud with large leaves placed on a green background.

Being a philodendron lover, I have almost all the varieties of plants in my garden and house. So, in this article, I will share with you a few useful tips that you need to follow while growing and taking care of a philodendron mamei “silver cloud”.

Is Mamei a Hybrid Variety of Philodendron?

After collecting a lot of information and doing research about philodendron I am quite aware of the hybrid varieties of a philodendron. so, not the mamei itself is not a hybrid variety. However, there are hybrids of mamei.

Are Philodendron Mamei and Silver Cloud the Same?

A silver cloud is a variation of the philodendron mamei. And thus, a mamei is often called a silver cloud. However, all other varieties of a mamei plant are not referred to as the silver cloud.

An original mamei has pointed and elongated leaves with red stems and petioles. Whereas a mamei silver cloud has round silver leaves. both the variety of a mamei plant has deep veins.

Some other variations of a philodendron like Scindapsus platinum and Scindapsus silver hero also have similar features and thus, it is quite hard to differentiate between them unlike a mamei and a mamei silver cloud.

How to Take Care of a Philodendron Mamei?

Unlike all other varieties of philodendron, taking care of a mamei is not very difficult. Here are a few ways you need to consider when it comes to mamei plant care.

Soil and Watering

Being a tropical plant a philodendron mamei loves water. However, overwatering should always be avoided to prevent root rot.


The pot where the mamei is placed should have enough drainage holes to seep away excess water and prevent waterlogging. Check the top layer of the soil before watering. If you feel the top inches of the soil to be dry only then water your plant. Watering should be done once a week.

Loose well-draining soil is the best option while growing a philodendron mamei. You can also add orchid barks, perlite, or coconut husks to the soil for moisture retention. This can help the plant to absorb the nutrients properly and help the root to breathe.

Light Required

The soft rays of the sun can be good for a mamei plant. Usually, a philodendron mamei prefers indirect bright light to grow and thrive. If this plant is kept indoors then, make sure to place it near an east-facing window.

When, planted outdoor a mamei should be placed in a shadier spot like under taller plants. Keeping the plant in direct scorching sunlight should always be avoided as the leaves may turn yellow and silver patterns may get lost.

Humidity and Temperature Are Needed

Unlike all other varieties of philodendron, a mamei plant grows well in temperatures between 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity levels should be above 60%. Your plant may get damaged easily if the temperature goes below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

Being a tropical plant a mamei needs a good moisture level to grow and thrive. Thus, if you are in a dry area with less humidity then, use a humidifier around the plant to meet its requirement.

Fertilizer Used

During summer and spring, you need to feed your plant every 3 to 6 months. A balanced diluted fertilizer can be used every 4 to 6 weeks during this period.

Soil rich in organic matter can boost the growth of a mamei plant. Thus, adding organic matter like biochar and vermicasts to the soil can be beneficial for the plant.

Using excessive fertilizer or a cheap fertilizer can cause severe damage to the plant. Its leaves may fall off and the plant may also die.

Growth of the Plant

Although a mamei plant is a climber, if proper support is provided using a moss pole, then, it can also climb up like a climber. It can grow up to a height of 3.2 feet when kept indoors and supported using a tall sphagnum moss pole.

As it is a natural creeper the leaves will not become too large and remain moderate in size if, this plant is grown as a climber. Pruning the tips can make the plant bushier and thus, you get more stems for propagation.

A philodendron mamei is not a fast-growing plant and can be pruned easily. If grown as a creeper and taken proper care the leaves of this plant can be large i.e., 1.5 feet when matured.

Pruning is Necessary

Pruning or cutting a mamei plant can revitalize it. plants that are suffering from diseases should be pruned to a desirable size so, that they can heal and grow fast. Regular pruning should be avoided so, that the plant can attain fuller growth.

You may notice dead and decaying parts of the plant if it is infected with a disease. So, cutting off those parts is necessary so, that the infection does not spread and kill the plant. Trimming should always start from the base.

Propagating a Mamei Plant

Unlike all other varieties of a philodendron, the propagation of a mamei should always be done through stem cuttings. Always choose stems with at least one node attached to it.

Summer and spring are the best time to propagate this plant as it is the growing period of a philodendron mamei. For proper propagation immerse the stem cutting in water in such a way so that the nodes are completely submerged in the water. Then, place it in a location with indirect, bright light.

Other ways propagation can be done are through tissue culture and layering. although most varieties of philodendron are rare, proper pruning can make more new plants grow from the mother plant.

(Comprehensive Guide): Philodendron Genevievianum Care

What Causes the Leaves of a Philodendron Mamei to Turn Yellow?

Yellowing of leaves is a common problem with most varieties of a philodendron. pest, overwatering, diseases, underwatering, or being exposed to direct sunlight can make the leaves of a mamei turn yellow.

Overwatering the plant can be the most common reason for leaves becoming yellow. Watering the plant frequently can lead to root rot and thus, the plant may die.

To prevent root rot and yellowing of leaves watering should only be done when needed. You can check the moisture level of the soil before watering. If you find the top layer of the soil to be dry then, only water your plant. Yellowing of leaves and root rot can be prevented if lightweight soil is used.

Also, the pot where the philodendron has been placed should have enough drainage holes to drain away excess water.

Problems to Face While Growing Philodendron Mamei

Even if proper care is taken there can be some common problems you may face while growing a mamei plant. Here are some of them.

Growth Problems

Improper management and care can become a hindrance to the growth of the plant. A philodendron affected by diseases or pests should be handled properly. The affected parts can be pruned, or insecticide can be used so, that the plant can thrive.

Keeping the plant in its needed temperature and humidity is also important to prevent diseases and pests and for proper growth of the plant.

Yellowing of Leaves

As mentioned above there can be different reasons for the leaves to become yellow. Overwatering, not using a good soil mix, and water logging in the pot can turn the leaves to be yellow.

If you notice the leaves becoming yellow then, immediately propagate the plant in a fresh pot.

Plants Affected by Diseases

Other than yellowing of leaves you may notice decaying of roots and leaves, leaf spots, and blights if there is a root rot. Different types of pathogens can infect your plant if there is water logging.

Other than root rot and overwatering your plant may also get infected by diseases if contaminated tools are used while pruning.

Take Away

To make your philodendron mamei stay healthy and survive for long you need to take proper care of the plant. If managed and handled properly this beautiful creeper can make the place fresher and more beautiful wherever it is kept.

It is very easy to take care of this plant. And even if you are a beginner this can be a cakewalk for you.


  1. Is Philodendron Mamei Easy to Care for?

    It is quite easy to take care of a philodendron mamei. Watering the plant once a week can be enough. Check out the moisture level of the soil before watering.

  2. Is Philodendron Mamei a Fast Grower?

    A mamei plant is not a fast grower and may take a quite lot of time to grow and mature. However, if placed in the proper location and temperature and used well-drained soil, this plant can produce more than one leaf in the summer.

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My name is Ellie Jonas, and I’m a writer, editor, and lifelong plant lover. With over 12 years of experience in growing different varieties of philodendrons and other indoor plants, I inspire and educate new gardeners with a focus on planet-friendly gardening practices.

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