Philodendron Genevievianum Care: The Essential Guide

Genevievianum is one of the rarest varieties of philodendron and is loved by most collectors like me. this plant has dark green, wide leaves with deep veins. Proper care can make this tropical plant grow fast and thrive long.

Here you can find out more detailed information on a philodendron genevievianum so, that it becomes easier for you to grow this extraordinary plant. I have also shared some useful tips and tricks to take care of the plant to make survive longer.

Origin of a Philodendron Genevievianum

this is a Philodendron Genevievianum with a large leaf with a green background.

A genevievianum is a tropical plant mostly found in South America and Ecuador. It prefers humid weather and thus, survives well in wild rainforests.

As a philodendron cannot be kept under direct sunlight so, the canopy found in the rain forests can help this plant to grow in that preferably shadier environment. Being a rare variety of a philodendron, this plant can be quite expensive.

Look of a Philodendron Genevievianum

A genevievianum is also known as cordatum or a sweetheart plant. Although it is a climber, it is also a species of flowering plant. This plant has dark green, glossy leaves with deep veins. The leaves can grow up to a length of 24 cm.

look-philodendron -genevievianum

This plant is mostly found in South and Central America and does not need too much care or management to survive. It can enhance the beauty of your home or office if kept indoors.

Care for a Philodendron Genevievianum

As a genevievianum is a rare plant so, it needs some extra care to grow and thrive. Here, are a few tips you need to consider while growing this plant.

Adequate Light

The natural habitat of this plant provides the right amount of light and shade to this plant. So, when kept in your house you should always place the plant in a shadier spot with indirect bright light.

When kept outdoors make sure your plant does not get exposed to the direct rays of the sun. always bring your plant indoors if the weather outside is too dry and hot with scorching sun rays.

Water Requirement

Unlike most varieties of philodendrons, this plant prefers humid weather and moist soil. However, the soil becoming too soggy or dry can be harmful to the plant. Watering should only be done after checking the moisture level of the top 2 inches of the soil.


Overwatering can lead to waterlogging which results in root rot. A good quality soil can provide essential nutrients to the plant and thus, it stays healthy and grow fast. So, make sure the soil you are using is not too soggy or too dry.

Watering every 7 to 10 days is enough for the plant to survive. However, the need for water also depends on the season change. During summer you may have to water your plant frequently whereas during winter watering should be reduced.

Do not pour too much water at a time and make sure the excess water gets drained away from the hole in the pot.

Humidity and Temperature Preferred by the Plant

Being a tropical plant a genevievianum prefers humid and warm weather. Without adequate humidity, this plant cannot grow or survive. A temperature between 60 and 80 degrees Fahrenheit is best to grow this plant. The humidity should be 60% or more.

If you are in a location with less humidity then, you can increase the humidity by putting a tray with pebbles and water underneath the pots of the philodendron. when the water evaporates it will create a humidity around the plant. You can also use a humidifier to make sure the plant gets the required humidity.

Fertilizing the Plant

Mixing organic matter with a good fertilizer can be the best choice for your plant. This will provide the required nutrients and make your plant stay healthy and disease-free.

You need to fertilize your genevievianum every month when it is young. The growth rate of the plant will determine the amount of fertilizer to be used as it matures.


Unlike all other varieties of philodendron, this plant also prefers moist well-draining soil. For the best result, you can mix perlite, a small amount of sand, and peat moss into the soil.

Repotting and Potting the Plant

An outgrown plant needs to be repotted to help it get enough space to grow. While repotting always go for one size larger pot than the current one. You need to fill the pot with well-draining, moist soil.

Remove the plant from its current pot and place it in the new pot filled with soil. Place the repotted plant under indirect bright light and water it when needed.

How to Propagate a Philodendron Genevievianum?

Although the process of propagation is quite easy, proper propagation is vital for the growth of the plant. You need to take a stem cutting from the parent plant and grow it in a new pot.

The stem cutting should have 2 to 3 leaves attached to it. after planting the cutting in a new pot, you will notice new roots and shoots developing within a few weeks.

This way you can grow many of these rare varieties of philodendrons without spending a lot of money on buying new ones.

What Are the Common Symptoms of Overwatering and Underwatering?

The growth rate of the plant can be stopped.The product may leak out as the packaging is not sturdy
The leaves will turn brown and yellow.The edges of the leaves will turn brown, and the leaves will be drooping.

Problems With Genevievianum and Their Solution

Some common problems can arise while growing most varieties of philodendron. here are some of them and their treatment.

Plants Affected by Pests

Although proper care has been taken, your plant might get affected by pests like spider mites, scale, thrips, and mealy bugs. These insects suck the nutrition from your plant and kill it before time.

The Fix

  • Very few insects can easily be removed with your fingers, kitchen spray, or lint roller.
  • To get rid of many pests you can use insecticides or neem oil.
  • To remove the pests completely out of your plant you need to use the spray a couple of times for several weeks.

Leaves Becoming Brown

An imbalance in the maintenance of your philodendron can make the leaves brown. Over-fertilizing, not giving adequate water and too much sun can be some causes that make the leaves of your plant to be brown.

The Fix

  • Always give the required amount of water and fertilizer needed for your plant to grow and thrive.
  • Too much or too little of anything can make your plant stressed out.
  • Also, keep it away from direct sunlight.

Yellowing of Leaves

Underwatering, overwatering, pests, and diseases, too soggy or too dry soil, over-fertilization, and too much or too little light can make the leaves of your genevievianum yellow.

The Fix

  • Watering should only be done after checking the moisture level of the top 2 inches of the soil.
  • The temperature where the plant is kept should be warm and humid. Avoid extreme dry weather conditions.
  • The temperature where the plant is kept should be warm and humid. Avoid extreme dry weather conditions.
  • Use fertilizer only when needed.
  • Place the plant in indirect bright light. Avoid direct sunlight.

Wrapping Up

A philodendron genevievianum is a rare variety and thus, loved by most gardeners. Although this tropical plant is quite expensive, its beautiful look can’t stop you from getting one.

Taking proper care and propagation is important to make this beautiful climber grow well and stay healthy forever.


  1. How Much Does a Philodendron Genevievianum Cost to Buy?

    The cost of this plant mostly depends on its maturity and size. Buying this variety of philodendrons can cost you around $30 to $120. A healthy and matured plant can cost you around $100 whereas you may have to pay $30 for a cutting.

  2. Do Philodendrons Like the Sun or Shade?

    Although a philodendron prefers indirect, bright light, placing the plant under direct scorching sunlight should be avoided. Being a tropical species, it loves to stay in shadier spots. So, when kept indoors place the plant near a window so that it can receive indirect light. However, when kept outdoors it should be placed in a shadier spot or under a tropical canopy.

  3. Is Philodendron Genevievianum Rare?

    A genevievianum is a climbing vine and one of the rarest varieties of philodendron. this tropical plant is mostly found in rainforests and has wide dark green, deeply veined leaves.

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My name is Ellie Jonas, and I’m a writer, editor, and lifelong plant lover. With over 12 years of experience in growing different varieties of philodendrons and other indoor plants, I inspire and educate new gardeners with a focus on planet-friendly gardening practices.

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