Simple Steps to Trimming Philodendrons Like a Pro

Pruning a philodendron is important for the growth of the plant. To make your plant look more beautiful and to keep it in proper shape, trimming a philodendron is always necessary. Trimming can also help to get rid of damaged and discolored leaves and, thus, help in the formation of new, fresh leaves.

this image shows a collage of different philodendron plants, including potted plants and houseplants.

As you all know, philodendron is a low-maintenance plant, so its pruning process is also quite simple. Go through this post to find out the proper and easiest ways to trim a philodendron.

How Can You Prune a Philodendron?

Although pruning can be done at any time of the year, it is best to prune your philodendron in the fall or spring, as this is the plant’s growing season. A plant is a living thing and has life, so your tools should be sterilized and properly cleaned before being used on your philodendron while pruning. Using dirty tools can cause damage to your plant, and it may die.

You can just wipe your tools using 1 part of 10 percent bleach to 9 parts water. You can also wash them with soapy water. Always wear gloves while pruning, as the diseases or pests present on the plant can stick to your skin.

You need to cut off a stem with leaves attached to it from the main stem while pruning. Just taking the leaves off the stem while pruning won’t show any results. New leaves will never come out in place of old leaves if the stem is left behind.

To encourage the growth of new branches, always cut through the leaf nodes. You should never cut woody stems, as they are already mature, and new growth is not possible from them. To grow new plants, always cut the green, soft stems.

Some plants send out many stems from the crown. So, to grow these plants, just trim the stems back to the soil, and you will notice newly growing philodendrons.

Trimming or pruning a philodendron is quite easy and time-saving. The method is almost the same for different varieties of the plant. However, there can be a few differences to consider while pruning.

Let’s find out a few methods to prune a philodendron properly to maintain its shape and health.

Did You Know

Some philodendrons are poisonous, so it is essential to research the species before bringing it into your home.

Pruning to Give Proper Shape

The natural shape of the plant should be taken into consideration before pruning for shape. You can remove the extended leaves or leaves that fall to the side for an upright philodendron.

To encourage new growth Pruning off the older growth is necessary. This will not only remove the dead or damaged leaves but also change the overall look of the plant. Pruning can make your plant look more tidy and beautiful, without stragglers.

Always cut a branch above a leaf node while pruning. This will help to grow new branches. If you have vining types or lopsided plants, then try for bushier growth in areas with a scarcity of leaves. Back areas that are extremely long should be trimmed.

Pruning for Health

Save a stem with a length of 4 inches, one leaf, and one node while trimming or pruning. These stems can be used during propagation to grow more plants.

Stems of unhealthy plants should never be used during propagation, as they will not show any new growth. After cutting a healthy stem during propagation, put it in soil or water and place it in a propagation pot. Always keep the plant in a location with indirect, bright light so that it can grow and survive properly.

(Comprehensive Guide): Philodendron Red Anderson Care

What Happens if a Philodendron is Not Trimmed?

The growth of your plant can be stopped after some time if trimming or pruning is not done from time to time. Not trimming a plant can cause more stems to grow with fewer leaves.

This can also make your plant look untidy and ugly, and with fewer leaves, the plant cannot obtain proper nutrients and prepare its food.

How Can You Trim a Philodendron?

While trimming you should cut off long leggy and old stems with many yellow leaves on them. also, cut off stems with no leaves at all as these stems are too old and almost dead.

What Are Some Common Philodendron Problems?

Although a philodendron is a low-maintenance plant, some problems can still arise when growing this plant. Check them out.

Dropping of Leaves

Sometimes the leaves of your philodendron may fall or drop on their own. Overwatering or too much sun can lead to this problem. So, always keep it in a shadier spot with bright light and reduce watering.

You may also notice the leaves on your plants are drooping. Lack of humidity can lead to the drooping of the leaves. In this situation, try misting the leaves or using a humidifier around the plant.

Yellowing of Leaves

The yellowing of leaves may have different causes. Keeping the plant in direct sunlight or overwatering can lead to yellow leaves. To stop the formation of yellow leaves, stop overwatering and keep the plant in a location with indirect, bright light.

Edges Becoming Brown

Lack of humidity and too much sun can make the edges of the leaves turn brown. So, whenever you notice the tips of the leaves to be brown and dry, try misting the leaves and placing the plant in a shadier spot. Misting can be done by placing the pot on a tray of water and pebbles.

Final Thought

As a philodendron does not need extra care to grow and survive so, this plant is quite easy to grow. Besides making your interior beautiful, this plant also helps you inhale fresh air by removing toxins from the air.

A little love and care will make this beautiful plant grow and survive without any difficulties. I hope it will be easier for you to take care of and maintain the health of your plant after reading this post.

Trimming and pruning are the most important parts of growing a healthy philodendron and making it survive for many years.

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My name is Ellie Jonas, and I’m a writer, editor, and lifelong plant lover. With over 12 years of experience in growing different varieties of philodendrons and other indoor plants, I inspire and educate new gardeners with a focus on planet-friendly gardening practices.

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