Philodendron Red Anderson Care – Tips Not to Be Missed

Philodendron red Anderson is a beautiful plant with the best foliage. Unlike, all other varieties of philodendron, the Anderson is also a low-maintenance plant. If proper care is taken then, this plant can enhance the beauty of your house, office, or wherever it is kept.

In this article, I will talk more about a philodendron red Anderson and also let you know about different ways to take care of this plant so, that it grows faster and thrives for long.

What is a Red Anderson Philodendron?

This plant is a cross between the philodendron white knight and pink princess and thus, resembles similar features of both these varieties of philodendron. its foliage is light pink when the plant is young and starts changing to white when it matured.

a man is holding a philodendron red Anderson with small leaves placed in a pot.

It has a gorgeous red stem and noticing the change in the color of the foliage from bright red to dark green is just wonderful. The changes in the shades of the foliage can be observed as it is a slow-growing plant.

It is a climber and thus, needs support to grow and thrive. This plant does not become very tall and can grow up to a height of 1 to 2 feet.

(Comprehensive Guide): Philodendron Mcdowell Care Guide

Difference Between a Philodendron Red Anderson and a Pink Princess

Although the Philodendron red Anderson is a part of the pink princess there are a few differences between them. Check them out.

DifferenceRed AndersonPink Anderson
Color of the LeavesThe leaf color of the red Anderson is glossy, deep burgundy-red.The pink princess has leaves that are a combination of dark and light green and different shades of pink.
VariegationA red Anderson has uniformly colored leaves with no variegation.While a philodendron pink princess has a striking variegation and, thus preferred by most plant collectors.
Cost and AvailabilityA red Anderson is quite cheaper when compared to the pink Princess.The pink princess is quite expensive as it is a rare plant with unique variations.

What Should Be an Ideal Pot Size for a Red Anderson?

Always choose one size bigger container with holes for proper drainage. You can place a red Anderson in a 4 to 6 inches pot so, that it can grow freely.

As the plant grows you will notice the roots to be coming out of the drainage holes. To make it look more beautiful you can place the plant in a neutral-toned or ceramic pot.

How is a Red Anderson Philodendron Propagated?

The easiest way to propagate this plant is by cutting its stem. Use a sterile knife and cut a stem of 4 to 6 inches with a few leaves attached to it just below the leaf nodes.

While preparing the pot to place the plant you can use perlite and orchid mix. After placing the plant into the soil water it and keep it in a location with bright indirect light.

You need to keep the soil moist for 2 to 3 weeks until new growth is visible. To avoid transplanting propagate in a container where you want the plant to grow.

Did You Know

Some philodendrons are poisonous, so it is important to research the species before bringing it into your home.

How to Take Care of a Philodendron Red Anderson?

As it is a low-maintenance plant it does not require much care to grow and thrive. Follow the tips shared below to make your red Anderson grow fast and survive for a long.

Soil Used

Although a red Anderson does not require too much soil to grow and thrive, using regular garden soil can be harmful to this plant. Always use soil by combining peat moss, vermiculite or perlite, shredded bark, and orchid bark. The pot should have proper drainage holes.

When it comes to taking care of philodendrons, choosing the right soil is crucial. The soil should provide the necessary nutrients, drainage, and aeration that these plants need to thrive. Let’s take a closer look at the key components of an ideal soil mix.

Light Requirement

Unlike all other varieties of philodendron, the red Anderson also grows and survives well under bright indirect light. Keeping under direct sunlight can make its leaves yellow. So, always choose a shady spot to place this plant.

Watering the Plant

To keep your plant healthy with its beautiful appearance always use the proper amount of water. You can put your fingers in the soil and feel if the top 1 inch is moist or not. If you feel it dry to the touch then, make sure it is time for watering your plant.

To prevent roots from getting rotten always choose a pot with drainage holes so, that the excess water can seep out.

Humidity and Temperature

Although a philodendron red Anderson is quite hardy and cold, it grows well in temperatures between 70 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. You need to warm up the plant by placing it in an indoor greenhouse or using a room heater if the temperature falls below 50 degrees Fahrenheit.

This plant does not require any extra humidity as the need for water is fulfilled through its root system. Provide extra humidity or mist only during extreme dry weather conditions.

Using Fertilizer

A slow-release fertilizer should be used during the growing season of this plant. You can also use a half-strength diluted liquid fertilizer once every six to eight weeks to boost the plant’s growth.

Houseplant planer

What Are the Most Common Problems With Philodendron Red Anderson?

Unlike all other varieties of philodendron growing a red Anderson can also cause some problems if not taken care, of properly. Here are a few of them.

Leaves Becoming Yellow

Lack of nutrients, exposure to direct sunlight, and overwatering can make the leaves turn yellow. So, it is important to fertilize the plant using water-soluble fertilizer every 4 to 6 weeks. Watering the plant is only suggested after checking the moisture level of the soil.

Improper Growth

Although a philodendron does not require direct sunlight, it should be placed in any location with indirect bright light. Insufficient sunlight can cause leggy growth. To help the plant get an even exposure to the light try, to rotate the plant on a daily basis.

Rotting of the Root

The pot where the philodendron is placed should have holes for proper drainage. The holes will drain away the excess water and thus prevent root rot. However, if you notice the roots becoming mushy and a foul smell is coming out then, just remove the rotten root and let it dry. You need to place it in a new container with fresh soil.

Fading Away of Foliage Color

The red hue of the foliage may be lost if the plant does not receive adequate bright light. Place the plant in a location with sufficient indirect, bright light to maintain the red foliage color. avoid keeping it under direct sunlight.

Leaves Becoming Droopy

The best temperature to grow a red Anderson should be between 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Fluctuation in temperature can affect the leaves and overall growth of the plant. To keep the plant healthy always protect it from cold drafts.


Philodendron is a beautiful plant with huge variegation. Being a cross between philodendron pink princess and white knight a red Anderson inherits the best of both parents. Most collectors love its beautiful colored foliage.

A little care can make this plant grow and thrive for a long. Keeping a red Anderson indoors can change the vibes of your home or office.


  1. Is philodendron red Anderson rare?

    A red Anderson is a low-maintenance houseplant and is quite rare. It has beautiful pink glossy leaves. the shade of the pink changes as the plant grows.

  2. Why is a philodendron red Anderson expensive?

    As it is a unique and rare plant so, this variety of philodendron is more expensive than its parents plant i,e, the white knight and the pink princess. Leaving the sheath and the petiole most of the red Anderson will fade to white as it grows.

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My name is Ellie Jonas, and I’m a writer, editor, and lifelong plant lover. With over 12 years of experience in growing different varieties of philodendrons and other indoor plants, I inspire and educate new gardeners with a focus on planet-friendly gardening practices.

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