Best Pots for Growing Healthy Philodendrons: Upgrade It Now!

Choosing the right pot is one of the major factors that should be taken into consideration. Even after taking proper care if you notice your philodendron is struggling to grow and stay healthy then, the issue can be with the pot where it has been planted.

Picking the right pot is one of the most important parts of indoor gardening. When you are growing a philodendron at your home or office make sure you get a pot of the right size, aesthetic appeal, material, and drainage.

Healthy philodendrons are placed in best orange plastic pots.

This post can guide you thoroughly to learn more about some best pots for a philodendron. Being a philodendron collector for a long time here, I have shared some important factors that need to be considered while selecting a pot for a philodendron so that you can pick the best one.

What Are the Factors That Need to Be Considered While Selecting a Pot?

A pot is the place where the philodendron is planted when kept indoors. As a pot holds the soil and the plant so, it is very important to pick the ideal one. Here are some factors to be considered while selecting a pot for your philodendron.

Shape and Size of the Pot

Using a right-sized pot according to the size of your plant is necessary. Placing your plant in any random-sized pot should be avoided.

If your plant is smaller in size and you are using a larger pot then, it will lead to waterlogging. The excess water will accumulate in the larger pot and make the soil soggy which will cause root rot.

a green indoor plant placed in a big pot and kept at the corner of a room.

Your plant may absorb extra nutrition and grow bigger than its exact size if kept in a bigger pot. Overgrowing of the plant can cause problems like droopy leaves and the plant falling off on a side due to its weight.

On the other hand, if you keep a bigger and more mature plant in a small-sized pot then, it will become root-bound due to less space and there can be a lack of nutrition as well. So, getting the right-sized pot matching the size of the philodendron is important.

Drainage System

The pot where the philodendron is kept should have enough drainage holes irrespective of its size. Although philodendrons love moist soil, excess soggy soil can cause root rot and cause severe damage to the plant.

When you are buying pots for a philodendron, check out if it has enough drainage holes at the bottom to drain away excess water and prevent water logging. You can make holes yourself if there are a few holes present at the bottom of the pot.

Materials Used

To make your plant stay healthy and thrive when kept indoors you should choose a pot made of some best materials. Concrete, terracotta, or clay pots are some of the best options to choose from.

You can also use plastic, ceramic, or glazed pots. Here is some detailed information about pots made of different materials.

Concrete, Clay, or Terracotta Pots

Terracotta pots are considered to be the best and safest option while growing a philodendron. These pots are mostly used for tropical plants, and they are available in classic orange Tuscan clay color.

On the other hand, clay or concrete pots are found in shades of grey. These pots are porous as water can pass through them. Using these pots allows the roots to prevent water logging.

Glazed or Ceramic Pots

ceramic or glazed pots are quite like plastic pots and available in beautiful colors and designs. Although these pots retain water well, they are more delicate and heavier.

Plastic Pots

Plastic pots are quite popular and available in different shapes and sizes. They are quite affordable and lightweight so; it becomes easy to move the pot from one place to another if needed.

However, plastic pots retain more water than terracotta or clay pots. So, you need to water your plant more often. However, make sure the plant is not over-watered as it can cause root rot and other fungal, bacterial diseases.

Did You Know

When philodendrons are growing, they tend to absorb a lot of moisture from the soil. To ensure healthy growth, it’s important to keep the soil moist and avoid letting it dry out.

Signs to Identify Your Philodendron Has the Wrong Pot

Your plant will come up with different signs if placed in the wrong pot. These signs indicate that your plant is struggling and you need to change the pot immediately.


Here are some of the signs that will indicate that you are using the wrong pot and that it needs to be replaced.

Crowding of the Roots

If there is not enough space in the pot then, root crowding happens. The roots take up all the space as the plant grows and there is no extra space in the pot for further expansion.

To check this out you can lift the plant out of the pot gently and see if the roots are wrapped tightly around themselves. Root crowding can also make the roots grow out of the drainage holes. These indications can be enough to change the pot and use the best and right-sized pot.

Drainage Issues

Even though a philodendron prefers moist soil, it grows best in well-draining and aerated soil. A pot with very less drainage holes can lead to waterlogging as the excess water cannot drain out completely. This makes the soil soggy and causes problems like root rot, mushy smell, and yellowing of the leaves.

Slow Growth Rate

Insufficient space in the pot can also slow down the growth of your philodendron. No room for expansion can hamper the development of the plant and you may notice it is not growing as expected.

Change in Leaf Color

Struggling in a small pot or waterlogging in a larger pot can stress out the plant severely. A healthy plant has vibrant green leaves. So, if you notice the leaves of your philodendron having brown spots or turning yellow then, it can be due to the wrong pot.

What Does It Mean by a Best Pot for Philodendrons?

When choosing a pot for your philodendron the first thing you should consider is the size of the pot. When repotting your plant, using one size larger and two inches bigger pot than the current one can be ideal for the plant.

Besides keeping your plant in the right pot, it is important to water it and use fertilizer when needed. This will make the plant grow faster, stay healthy, and thrive for long.

You should also check if there are enough drainage holes at the bottom of the pot to drain away excess water. If not then, you can make some holes by yourself at home. For well aeration and drainage using terracotta, ceramic, or clay pots can be a good idea.

How to Select Different Pots for Different Varieties of Philodendrons?

Different varieties of philodendrons need different types of pots to grow and survive. Mostly there are 2 main varieties of indoor philodendron. they are climbing and non-climbing philodendron. Here are some tips that can help you to select different pots for the varieties of philodendrons.

Climbing Philodendrons

Climbing or vining philodendrons have trailing habits, and they prefer climbing. Velvetleaf and heart-leaf philodendrons are 2 varieties of climbing philodendrons. so, for these climbing plants use.

SizeChoose a pot 2-3 inches larger in diameter than the current root ball.
MaterialConsider glazed ceramic, terracotta, or plastic pots.
DrainageEnsure the pot has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.
ShapeChoose a tall, narrow pot to accommodate the climbing growth habit.
WeightOpt for a heavier pot for stability, especially if you’re using a moss pole or trellis.

Provide Vertical Support

To make this climbing plant stay healthy you should pot them with vertical support. You can use a pole, moss, or trellis to provide them with the needed support.

Use Ceramic or Plastic Pots

For healthy development of the climbing philodendrons, it is best to place them in plastic or ceramic pots. Using these materials can help retain the needed moisture.

Deeper Pots

Climbing philodendrons usually have extensive root systems to provide needed support to the plant. So, using deeper pots can easily maintain its natural growth.

Non-climbing Philodendrons

Non-climbing philodendrons are bird nests or lacy tree philodendrons that are bushy types. For these philodendrons, you should use.

SizeChoose a pot 1-2 inches larger in diameter than the current root ball.
MaterialConsider glazed ceramic, terracotta, or plastic pots.
DrainageEnsure the pot has drainage holes to prevent waterlogging.
ShapeSelect a pot that fits the size and growth habit of your philodendron. Wide, shallow pots are suitable for larger varieties.
WeightChoose a pot proportional to the plant’s size for stability.

Heavier Pots

To prevent these non-climbing plants from toppling over and to keep its large bushes in place using heavier ceramic or clay pots can be ideal.

Wider Pots

As non-climbing philodendrons tend to spread out. So, using wider pots can provide enough space for these plants to grow without any obstacles.

Well-drainage Pots

Using pots with enough drainage holes can be the best option when growing non-climbing philodendrons. To avoid waterlogging and prevent root rot you should also use well-draining soil.

Houseplant planer

Take Away

The material, size, and drainage system are the main factors that need to be considered when choosing pots for your philodendrons.

Even after taking proper care of the plant if your philodendron struggle then, be sure you are using the wrong pot.

The information I have shared in this post from my several years of experience will surely help you to get the right pot for the plant and make your philodendron survive for years.

So, choose the best and right pot for your beloved plant and let grow freely and beautifully.

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My name is Ellie Jonas, and I’m a writer, editor, and lifelong plant lover. With over 12 years of experience in growing different varieties of philodendrons and other indoor plants, I inspire and educate new gardeners with a focus on planet-friendly gardening practices.

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