Philodendron Leaves Curling: What Can Be Done?

Although philodendrons are low-maintenance plants, proper care is necessary to make them stay healthy, grow fast, and survive for long. Sometimes you may notice that your plant is facing some common issues. These common issues should be taken into consideration seriously so, that your philodendron stays healthy.

One of the common problems here, which I will discuss in this post is the curling of leaves of the philodendron. There can be different causes that can make the philodendron leaves start curling.

this is a philodendron with curl leaves with a green border.

Go through this article carefully to get more detailed information about curled leaves of a philodendron. Here are some useful tips to get rid of some common problems with the plant.

What Causes the Leaves of a Philodendron to Get Curl?

Curled, discolored leaves with droopy stems indicate that your plant is not healthy enough and requires some extra care. The issues shared below can make the leaves of your philodendron get curled.

Too Much Water

Overwatering a philodendron can lead to severe problems like root rot. Using too much water can make the soil excessively soggy which damages the root of the plant.

A plant with rotten roots has to face problems like curled brown leaves and falling leaves. To prevent this situation always water your plant only when needed after checking the moisture level of the soil.


Too little water can also make the leaves turn brown, and curl, it can be droopy as well. Although a philodendron does not require too much water to grow and thrive, extremely dry soil can also cause several issues.

If you find the top 2 inches of the soil to be dry then, it is time to water your plant. Watering a philodendron once every 1 to 2 weeks is enough. However, always check the moisture level of the soil before watering.

Quality of the Water Used

If you notice the leaves of your philodendron are getting curled even after maintaining a proper watering schedule then, it can be due to the quality of water being used.

Most tap waters contain chlorine, minerals, salts, and fluoride. These minerals can slowly build up in the soil making the leaves of your plant become curled. So, in this case, you can switch to purified water and check out for the difference.

Less Humidity

A philodendron is a tropical plant and prefers humid weather conditions to grow and thrive. It requires plenty of humidity as it is grown in the natural environment.

You need to use a humidifier around the plant if you live in a dry region and want to grow a philodendron. Misting should also be done from time to time. You can also use a tray of pebbles and water to create that extra humid condition around the plant.

Low Temperature

Although a philodendron can survive in most temperatures, it cannot tolerate extreme cold. Temperatures above 60-to-85 degrees Fahrenheit can be ideal for growing this plant.

Extreme cold weather and cold drafts can make your plant suffer and thus, its leaves start curling.

Did You Know

The most common reason for philodendron leaves curling is underwatering. Its leaves will start to curl in order to conserve water when a plant doesn’t receive enough water.

How to Fix a Philodendron Leaves Curling?

By following the remedies given below you can prevent the leaves of your philodendron from getting curled.

Feeding the Plant

Feeding the plant from time to time can be beneficial for it to grow fast and stay healthy. You need to apply fertilizer every month as this plant is a heavy feeder.

Using a balanced fertilizer during spring and summer can make your plant stay healthy as it is the growing time of the plant. During winter months applying fertilizer every other month is enough.


To prevent the curling of leaves and encourage new growth, pruning your philodendron is very important. Trimming the leggy overgrown stems makes your plant look healthy and fresh. Late winter or early spring can be the best time for pruning.

Adequate Indirect Bright Light

Most philodendron lovers like me know very well that this plant cannot tolerate direct scorching sunlight. If you are a beginner then, make sure to place your plant in any location where it can receive enough indirect bright light.

The curling of leaves can be caused due to excess light or very little light. So, avoid both these conditions.

Humidity Levels and Temperature

A philodendron loves warm humid weather and cannot survive if the temperature falls below 60 degrees Fahrenheit. The ideal temperature to grow this plant should be around 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

If a philodendron is kept in excessively dry weather then, its leaves will curl and other signs of damage can be seen. The humidity level where this plant has been kept should be 60% or more. Use a humidifier if you live in a dry area.

How to Prevent the Leaves of Your Philodendron From Getting Curled?

Curling of the leaves indicates that there is something wrong with your plant and it is not healthy. Here are some effective ways to prevent the curling of leaves.


A proper watering schedule should be maintained to avoid curling of the leaves. Overwatering can lead to root rot thus causing several damage to your plant. Underwatering can also cause discoloration and drooping. So, always water your plant after checking the moisture level of the soil.

Use Filtered Water

Avoid using regular tap water while watering your plant. Always use filtered water or boil the water then, cool it down and use it on your plant. Using a water filtration system can be the best option.

Proper Temperature

Frequent fluctuations in temperature are not good for your philodendron. So, make sure the place where the plant is kept is not too cold or too hot. The best temperature to grow this plant is 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Use Humidifier

If you are in a cold dry area then, make sure you use a humidifier around the plant to increase humidity. Misting the plant from time to time can also be a good idea. You can also use a pebble tray to increase the moisture level.

Curling of Leaves Due to Extremely Dry Soil

Underwatering may lead to extremely dry soil which can cause philodendron leaves to curl. Follow the methods shared below to prevent the curling of leaves.


  • You need to soak the plant in water. Place it in a tub of water.
  • The tub or sink should be filled with about 3 to 4 inches of water.
  • Always use room temperature water and avoid using hot water.
  • Feel the top 2 to 3 inches of the soil to make sure the plant has soaked enough water.
  • To speed up the saturation process slightly water the plant from the top of the soil.
  • Drain the excess water well once the soil is completely damp.
  • Keep the plant in a resting position till the water has completely dripped off.
  • Lastly, place your philodendron back in the pot and keep it in any suitable location.

Wrapping Up

The curling of leaves indicates that something is wrong with your philodendron. Different factors lead to curled leaves.

Being a philodendron lover since childhood I hope my above-shared tips and tricks will help you to prevent the curling of leaves and help you to take proper care of your philodendron so, that it stays healthy and enhances the beauty of your home and garden for years.

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My name is Ellie Jonas, and I’m a writer, editor, and lifelong plant lover. With over 12 years of experience in growing different varieties of philodendrons and other indoor plants, I inspire and educate new gardeners with a focus on planet-friendly gardening practices.

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