Philodendron White Wizard Care Made Easy: Expert Tips and Tricks

Different unique variegation of Philodendrons has become quite demanding nowadays and also very popular among collectors. A white wizard is not exceptional as it is an amazing houseplant loved by Philodendron cultivators like me.

unlike other varieties of Philodendron, this plant is very easy to take care of. If maintained properly you can easily make this unique plant grow fast and thrive for long.

philodendron white wizard with a few bright green and white leaves placed in a white pot.

A white wizard has white and green leaves with large patches. It can be ideal to grow this stunning plant at home without much effort. This plant is quite close to my heart, and I have most of its varieties in my home and garden.

Know more about different ways to take care of this popular plant by checking out this article thoroughly. Also, find out how to keep this plant healthy and happy by fixing some common issues.

Varieties of Philodendron Erubescens

A white wizard belongs to the Erubescens family. There are different varieties of Philodendrons like the White Knight and White Princess that belong to the same family.

These 3 variegations of Philodendron resemble similar features like abundant aerial roots and heart-shaped leaves and thus, seem like triplets. However, when noticed from close you can identify the difference between the leaves, stems, and petioles of these plants.

A white wizard stands out with green and white foliage, stems, and petioles. On the other hand, a white knight boasts green and white leaves with a hint of violet streaks, violet and white petioles, and stems.

A while princess sports green and white leaves with pink variegation, green, white, and pink petioles and stems.

Habitat and Characteristics of a White Wizard

Philodendron White Wizard which belongs to the family of erubescens is mostly found in South or Central America. This unique and mysterious houseplant has become quite popular nowadays. A white princess and a white knight are its siblings as they belong to the same family.

It has stunning heart-shaped green and white leaves that make this plant come into the limelight. It is a climber and loves to climb its way to the top with some support. So, to provide complete support you can use a moss pole so that it grows well as it gets matured.

Did You Know

The philodendron white wizard is not found in nature but was created by plant breeders who crossed different philodendron varieties to achieve the desired variegation. This plant is a toxic plant that can cause irritation or poisoning if ingested by both pets and humans.

Caring Tips of a Philodendron White Wizard

With a little care and proper maintenance, you can easily grow this plant and enhance the look of your house, office, or garden. Follow the methods shared below to care for your beloved plant in a proper way.


Although a white wizard can survive in less water, providing an adequate amount of water when needed can make this plant stay healthy and grow fast. Watering should only be done if the top 2 to 3 inches of soil becomes completely dry.

Overwatering should be avoided as it may cause water logging and root rot. Not watering the plant for a longer period can also make it stressed out. You may notice the edges of the leaves to be turning brown due to underwatering.

Extremely soggy or dry soil can kill the plant before time. So, always make sure there are enough drainage holes in the pot so, that the excess water can flow out.

Light Requirement

Your white wizard should be kept in indirect bright light like its natural habitat. Being a tropical plant, it cannot survive in direct scorching sunlight. Indirect bright light is perfect for its energy production.

Midday sun exposure should always be avoided as the sun’s rays are intense during this time. Keeping your plant in direct sunlight can burn and fade away the color of its leaves. late afternoon and early morning sunlight can be best for the plant to grow and thrive well.

Insufficient light can also cause slow and leggy growth. So, make sure your white wizard gets the exact amount of light required.

Humidity and temperature

Due to its rainforest origin, a white wizard prefers warm temperatures. The ideal temperature to grow this plant should range somewhere between 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. It is very important to keep this plant away from cold drafts during winter months as it has cold sensitivity.

Being a tropical plant, it prefers humid weather conditions. The humidity level should be around 60% to 80 % in a place where it is kept. Lack of humidity can make the tips of its leaves to be brown and you may also notice drooping leaves. however excess humidity can also cause mold to appear on the leaves.

So, proper ventilation is very important to prevent these issues and make a white wizard stay healthy.

Soil Used

A white wizard grows best in rich well-draining soil. Prepare a mixture of equal parts of orchid bark mix, perlite, and indoor potting soil to provide the required nutrients and moisture to the plant.

Preparing a good potting mix at home in a large quantity can be affordable for you. You can easily use this potting mix whenever you repot the plant.


Using a mixture of 1 tsp. of fertilizer with 2 gallons of water can be ideal for a white wizard during its growing season. Always go for any fertilizer that contains less nitrogen and more phosphorous.

Always diluting the fertilizer before using it as a raw product can be shocking for the plant. Also avoid over-fertilization as it may cause weak growth, yellowing of leaves, or burnt leaf edges.

To dilute the extra nutrients always flush the soil with water and remove any visible salts from the surface of the soil.

Propagating White Wizard

With a little practice, you can easily propagate your beloved plant. Stem cutting is the most popular way to propagate this plant. Also, it is better to use sphagnum moss instead of water when rooting the cuttings.

Prep Your MossMake the dried sphagnum moss ready to use by soaking it in a bowl of water for 15 minutes.
Use Clean ToolsUse sterilized tools like scissors or pruning shears to cut the stem needed for propagation
Select the Right StemThe stem cutting should have a few healthy leaves and 3 to 4 nodes.
Trim for SuccessTo expose the nodes, you can remove the leaves from the bottom part of the stem cutting. Just leave a single leaf on the top.
Dampen, Don’t DrenchWhen the roots become one inch long, transfer the cutting to a pot with well-draining soil.
Nestle the CuttingPlace the moss in a container and put the stem cutting in the moss. Ensure the leaves are not covered by the moss and the stem is only covered.
Create a Mini GreenhouseTo create a greenhouse effect use a plastic bag to cover the container.
Find the Perfect SpotNow place the container in any area where it can receive enough indirect bright light.
Monitor MoistureWater the moss if it dries out completely.
Uncover New RootsAfter a few weeks, you will notice some new roots coming out. You can now remove the plastic bag.
Transplant with CareWhen the roots become one inch long, transfer the cutting to a pot with well-draining soil.
Nurture Your New PlantWater the cutting when required to keep the soil moist. The cutting will grow into a new plant very soon.

Repotting or Transferring the Plant

Repotting is necessary so that the roots get enough space to grow. It also makes the plant healthy and grows fast. Repotting should be done whenever you notice the roots to be coming out from the drainage holes.

While repotting choose a pot one size larger than the current one with enough drainage holes.

Common Problems and Solutions

Even though you take care of your plant properly sometimes these houseplants face some common problems. Here are some of them and their solution.

Yellow Leaves

Too many yellow leaves on your plant are a sign that it is not healthy and has some problems. Insufficient nutrients, overexposure to direct sunlight and not following a proper watering schedule can make the leaves turn yellow.

To prevent this condition water your plant only when the top 2 inches of the soil dries out. also use a balanced fertilizer so that the plant gets the required nutrients. Place it in a spot where it can receive enough indirect bright light instead of direct scorching sunlight. Also, trim off the yellow leaves to keep the plant healthy and fresh.

Diseases and Pests

Unlike all other varieties of Philodendron, your white wizard may get affected by diseases and pests even if it is kept indoors.

To prevent fungal and bacterial diseases avoid over-watering the plant.

Slow Growth

If your plant does not get enough bright light then it may have a slow or leggy growth.

To avoid new growth to become leggy you should move your plant to a brighter location. Grow lights can also be used if you are in an area with less sunlight.

Completely White Leaves

Fading away from the color of leaves and becoming fully white indicates some major problems with your plant. The process of photosynthesis can be hampered if the leaves become completely white.

This can only be treated by following a balanced watering schedule and placing the plant in an area with adequate indirect bright light.

To encourage photosynthesis, you can clean the green leaves by spraying a little water and wiping gently with a soft cloth. As the leaves are quite delicate make sure they do not fall off.

Houseplant planer

Wrapping Up

If you are looking for an easy cultivator then, growing a Philodendron White Wizard can be the best option for you. A little care and maintenance can make this plant stay healthy and survive for long.

Being a popular plant with unique features it can completely change the look of the place where it has been kept. It can also remove toxins from the air and help you to inhale fresh air.

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My name is Ellie Jonas, and I’m a writer, editor, and lifelong plant lover. With over 12 years of experience in growing different varieties of philodendrons and other indoor plants, I inspire and educate new gardeners with a focus on planet-friendly gardening practices.

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