Philodendron Moonlight Care & Growing Guides

Philodendron Moonlight is one of the most popular and loved houseplants that is a top pick among collectors. Unlike all other varieties of philodendron, this is also a low-maintenance plant.

It has amazing foliage, and a little care can make this plant grow fast and stay healthy for long. It is mostly found in the subtropical of South America and growing it at your home can help you get toxin-free fresh air.

Being a philodendron collector in this post I will share with you, different effective ways to take care of your beloved plant. I will also guide you with every detailed information that you need to know while growing a Moonlight.

What is a Philodendron Moonlight?

This variegation of philodendron is quite popular among collectors and people love to keep them in their houses, gardens, and offices. It is a bright and cheery evergreen plant that can enhance the beauty of the place where it is kept.

Philodendron Moonlight with a few bright green leaves

This plant does not require support to grow like other vining philodendrons and thus, can be a perfect choice for beginner collectors. This plant does not need much care to grow, or survive and thus can be grown easily.

How Big Can a Philodendron Moonlight Grow?

This plant has gorgeous light-green oval-shaped leaves with prominent veins. When reaching maturity, the leaves appear to be fluorescent with a ribbed appearance.

When matured a Moonlight can spread up to 20 to 26 inches and its height can be somewhere between 20 to 24 inches.

Can Moonlight Be Toxic?

Although Moonlight is a houseplant, it can sometimes cause serious health problems. As this plant contains calcium oxalate crystals so, it may cause mouth and throat pain, skin irritations, vomiting, nausea,0 and difficulty breathing. So, it is always suggested to keep children and pets away from this plant.

Did You Know

Philodendron moonlight have been discovered in the rainforests of Colombia in the 1990s. It is a relatively new plant.

How Do You Take Care of a Philodendron Moonlight?

Philodendron Moonlight overview chart with care tips and growth patterns.

Here are some caring tips you need to follow while growing a Moonlight to make it grow well and thrive long.

Requirement of Light

Unlike other varieties of philodendron, Moonlight also prefers indirect bright light. A south-facing room with eastern and western exposure can be the best place to keep the plant.

Always avoid placing your plant in direct scorching sunlight as they cannot tolerate direct light. Receiving indirect light for a couple of hours in the morning and evening can be enough for the plant.

Temperature and Humidity

The Moonlight grows well in warm and humid conditions. As it is a tropical plant so, it cannot tolerate low humidity levels and lower temperatures. The ideal temperature to grow this plant should be around 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Your plant may be damaged completely or die if the temperature falls below 55 degrees Fahrenheit.

The level of humidity should always be 60 % and above. If you are in a dry area with less humidity then, make sure you use a humidifier to increase the level of humidity around the plant.

Flowering Habitat

This plant has a long bloom time that lasts for a month or more. The stem of its flower is equally thick as the main stem. It consists of a 5-inch white spadix surrounded by a red to pink spathe.

Water Requirement

Unlike other varieties of philodendron, this plant also needs a moderate amount of water. Checking the moisture level of the soil is very important before watering it. Water you plant only if you feel the top 2 inches of the soil to be completely dry.

Overwatering should always be avoided as it can lead to waterlogging and root rot. Make sure the pot where the plant has been placed should have enough drainage holes to drain away excess water.

Watering should be done once a week during spring and summer. Less watering should be done during the winter months.

Soil Used

A loose well-draining soil can be the perfect choice for this plant. You can add organic matter to a soil mix and use it. When preparing a soilless mix use peat perlite, sphagnum moss, and vermiculite.

Preparing a potting mix with these ingredients can provide necessary nutrients to your plant. The soil used should always be sterilized and checked for the pH level. It should be between 5 to 7 for a Moonlight.


Using fertilizer once a month throughout the growing season of the plant can be enough. Always use diluted fertilizer with a 10-10-10 nutrient ratio. No additional feeding is required during the winter months.

Pruning the Plant

Pruning the unwanted stems and leaves from time to time can make your plant stay healthy and fresh. By removing damaged foliage, you can protect your plant from getting affected by pests and diseases easily.

However, over-pruning the plant should always be avoided. Pruning the plant excessively can make it struggle to grow back.

Pinching off the leaves just above the nodes and trimming the extra growth is enough to keep the plant in proper shape. Midspring and fall are the ideal time to prune a philodendron Moonlight.


Repotting a Moonlight once every 2 or 3 years is enough as the growth rate of this plant is slow to medium. Repot your plant whenever you notice the roots are coming out of the drainage holes.

While repotting move the plant to a bigger sized pot than the current one. It is best to repot your plant during summer and spring as it is the growing time of the philodendron.


Stem cutting is the most common way to propagate Moonlight. You need to cut a healthy and mature stem above the node at an angle of 45 degrees. Make sure the stem cutting has a few fresh leaves attached to it.

Always wear your gloves while propagation and make sure your tools are properly sterilized. Before planting the stem cutting in a potting mix allows the stem to be callous.

Propagating Moonlight in the right way can make new plants grow without the need to buy again.

Problems That May Arise

While Moonlight needs a little care and management to grow and thrive, here are some problems you may face while growing them.

Leaves Turning Yellow

Overwatering and not receiving enough light can make the leaves of your philodendron turn pale and yellow. Yellowing of leaves can also be due to stem and root rot while propagating the plant.


Yellow streaks can sometimes be seen on the leaves of the plant. This can be caused by a mosaic virus that affects the plant and makes its leaf distorted.

Browning of Leaves

Some common causes that can make the leaves of your Moonlight turn brown can be over-watering, over-exposure to sunlight, and other fungal issues.

Pest Issue

Although Moonlight has thick leaves that prevent pests from affecting the plant, they can sometimes still be affected by insects like mealy bugs and aphids. Using insecticidal soaps can help you get rid of these pests.

Plant Disease

There is a very low chance that a philodendron Moonlight suffers from diseases. However, root rot caused due to overwatering can lead to bacterial or fungal issues.


  • A philodendron Moonlight has glossy, large, vivid green leaves.
  • It can grow up to a height of more than 2 feet.
  • Enough watering, well-draining soil, and adequate indirect bright light can make it grow fast and stay healthy.
  • Propagation can easily be done through stem cuttings.
  • It rarely gets affected by pests and diseases. However, overexposure to sunlight and overwatering can cause different problems.


A philodendron Moonlight can be a good choice for those who want to grow houseplants or indoor gardens. This low-maintenance and vivid-colored plant not only makes your home and garden beautiful but also lets you get fresh toxin-free air.

With proper care, you can easily make this plant grow fast, stay healthy, and survive for long. So, buy one for your home, office, or garden today and I am sure it will not disappoint you.

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My name is Ellie Jonas, and I’m a writer, editor, and lifelong plant lover. With over 12 years of experience in growing different varieties of philodendrons and other indoor plants, I inspire and educate new gardeners with a focus on planet-friendly gardening practices.

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