Caramel Marble Vs. Ring of Fire: Identify the Differences

A Caramel Marble and a Ring of Fire are the two most beautiful and well-known species of Philodendron that can add some visual interest to any indoor space. So, people need clarification about which one is better for their home or office.

A Ring of Fire is often characterized by its vibrant green foliage and bright red stems. On the other hand, a Caramel Marble has glossy heart-shaped leaves that range from deep green to creamy beige.

Caramel Marble Vs. Ring of Fire

So, in this article, I will share some similarities and differences between these two varieties of Philodendron so, that it becomes easier for you to get the right one.

Collectors like me can get both these popular and visually striking plants and place them in their gardens. And I am sure both these members of the Arcae family will not disappoint you.

How to Identify a Philodendron Caramel Marble?

A Caramel Marble has eye-catching variegation and is one of the most sought-after species of Philodendron. At a younger stage, it produces beautiful leaves that are deep green, deep orange, fire, engine red, or bright pink.

Although Caramel Marble is a slow-growing plant, it has an aesthetically pleasing appearance and thus, is loved by the gardening community.

How to Identify a Philodendron Ring of Fire?

This variety of Philodendron is quite rare and possesses unique features. A Ring of Fire is a hybrid of Philodendron wendlandii and tortum. It produces leaves that can be cream, orange, red, or green.

The amount of light it receives and the season when this plant is grown mainly determine the color of the leaves.

Did You Know

Caramel Marble is Often Misidentified as a Separate Cultivar Due to Its Distinct Variegation, and is sometimes considered a Type of Philodendron ‘Pluto‘. A ring of fire Can Be Misidentified as Caramel Marble but is Distinguished by Variegation Pattern and Leaf Shape.

Differences Between a Philodendron Caramel Marble and a Ring of Fire

Although both these varieties of Philodendron have some similarities, they have different features that can help you identify them individually.

Here are some of the differences you need to know about before buying one of them.

Leaves of the Plants

The leaves of the plants are the most common feature that helps us to distinguish between them. The leaves of a Caramel marble can be vivid red, dark green, and bright orange to striking pink in color. Their leaves can grow up to 2 feet long and 10 to 14 inches wide when the plant reaches maturity.

On the other hand, a Ring of Fire usually has bright red, dark green, pale orange, or pink colored leaves. They can be 2 feet long and 12 to 16 inches wide when mature.

Requirement of Light

Unlike most varieties of Philodendrons, both these plants prefer indirect bright light to grow and thrive. A Caramel Marble cannot tolerate low light conditions and needs to be kept in any location where it can get an adequate amount of indirect bright sunlight for about 5 hours or more regularly.

Bright indirect light preferred for Caramel Marble (right), while Ring of Fire (middle) thrives in varied lighting, even low light.

Although indirect bright light is the first preference a Ring of Fire can adapt to different light conditions and can also flourish in low light conditions.

Required Temperature

A Caramel Marble cannot tolerate low temperatures and can die if the temperature reaches below 50 degrees Fahrenheit. This plant grows and thrives best in temperatures ranging from 60 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

A Ring of Fire grows best in temperatures ranging from 55 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. However, this variety of Philodendron can mild temperature conditions as well.

Level of Humidity

The high humidity level is mostly preferred by Philodendrons. A Caramel Marble grows well in 40 to 60 % humidity levels. Whereas a Ring of Fire grows well in mild humidity levels i.e. from 30 to 60 %. Humidity levels can be increased by misting or using a humidifier in low-humid conditions.

Leaf Shape and Appearance

Here is a table to help you identify the differences between both varieties of Philodendron easily.

DifferenceCaramel MarbleRing of Fire
Size of LeafLeaves are usually wider, that is more than 5 inches.Leaves are narrower, that is less than 5 inches.
Shape of LeafHeart-shaped rounded leavesSword-shaped elongated leaves.
Color of LeavesBrownish Caramel with splashes of yellow, and green color when young. Darker green color leaves when matured.Leaves are lighter green with reddish-orange when young. Green leaves with faint orange markings when matured.
Color of StemUsually greenReddish-brown or completely red
SizeCan grow up to 2 feet tall.Grows almost up to 8 feet tall
CostPrice ranges between $20 to $ 30.Price ranges between $ 30 to $ 40.
Light RequirementGrows best in indirect bright lightGrows best in filtered light.

Where Can You Place These Plants Indoors?

As mentioned above indirect bright light is ideal for both these plants to grow fast, stay healthy, and survive for long. Although a Ring of Fire can tolerate low light conditions to some extent, a Caramel Marble cannot.

So, a Caramel Marble should always be kept near an east-facing window so, that it can get sufficient indirect bright light. As a Ring of Fire can thrive in low light conditions so, it can be placed near a south or west-facing window.

Twelve hours of indirect bright light is necessary for both these varieties of Philodendron to stay healthy and thrive long. These plants can be kept near grow lights In places where there is a lack of indirect bright light.

Which Variety of Philodendrons Can Be Best for You?

Both these plants are equally beautiful with their own unique characteristics. So, my clients and friends often get confused and come up to me for suggestions regarding the right Philodendron for their homes, offices, and gardens.

Houseplant planer

As mentioned earlier a Caramel Marble has glossy heart-shaped leaves of different colors ranging from deep greens to creamy whites. These plants can be an excellent option for those who want to grow Philodendrons in their indoor garden, or offices.

On the other hand, a Ring of Fire has a more tropical look with bright green leaves and yellow veins. They have vibrant red stems and can be ideal for placing in any room.

So, now the choice is yours and you should get the one depending on the location it will be placed.

Growing Conditions

Here is a chart that can guide you to understand the best-growing conditions for both varieties of Philodendrons. Going through this table can also help you identify the differences between them.

Growing ConditionCaramel MarbleRing of Fire
Amount of LightPrefers indirect, bright light. Can tolerate direct sunlight in the morning or late afternoon to some extent.Prefers indirect bright light. Grows well in filtered light.
Humidity LevelPrefers high humidity level from 60 to 80 %Prefers moderate to high humidity levels from 50 to 70 %
Temperature RequiredMostly prefer warm temperatures ranging from 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.Prefers moderate to warm temperatures ranging from 60 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit.
Need of WaterWater deeply only when the top 2 inches of the soil dries out. Water once a week.Use moderate water when the top 2 inches of the soil dries out. Do not over-water.
SoilWell-draining aerated soil with adequate organic matter.Slightly acidic potting mix and well-draining soil.
LeavesLeaves are serrated which is a deep green color with splashes of red, yellow, and orange.Leaves are serrated and bright yellow-green.
SizeCan grow up to 2 feet tall.Can grow up to 8 feet tall.
CostPrice ranges between $20 to $ 30.Price ranges between $30 to $ 40.

Wrapping Up

Both a Caramel Marble and a Ring of Fire are beautiful in their own way. Some differences between them help you to distinguish between both these varieties of Philodendron.

 A Caramel Marble can be the best option for those who live in small houses or apartments and have limited office space. However, a Ring of Fire can be ideal for those who have more spacious houses and offices.

Both these plants are easy to maintain and do not require too much care to grow and thrive. So, get the one you like most to add some extra life and beauty to your office, home, or garden.

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My name is Ellie Jonas, and I’m a writer, editor, and lifelong plant lover. With over 12 years of experience in growing different varieties of philodendrons and other indoor plants, I inspire and educate new gardeners with a focus on planet-friendly gardening practices.

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