Written By Ellie Jonas

The Red Sun Philodendron: Care Guide for Fiery Foliage

Person holding a red sun philodendron plant in a pot.

A Philodendron Red Sun comes in a vibrant red-purple, burgundy, and green foliage that adds that extra color to your indoor space. It is mostly found in the rainforests of South America and has a clumping growth habit.

This low-maintenance plant has oval-shaped, bright-colored leaves that make it look more attractive and loved by most gardeners like me.

So, if you plan to get a Philodendron Red Sun, you are in the right place. Find more about this stunning plant with bright foliage in this post. Here, I have shared a proper care routine for a red sun that can make the plant survive for a long.

Philodendron Red Sun – History

Unlike most varieties of Philodendrons, a red sun is found in tropical rainforests of South and Central America. This unique variety of Philodendron is a human-created plant. It is also known as sun red.

The overall appeal of a red sun is developed by contrasting mature green foliage and the red juvenile leaves. so, even though the red sun itself is a new creation, it has a long history of how it has been developed by breeders.

Checklist – Philodendron Red Sun Care

A handy checklist can make it easier for you to keep your beloved red sun happy and thriving. You can ensure your Philodendron receives an adequate amount of water, humidity, light, and nutrients to grow well in your indoor space by following these simple steps.

A Quick Care Checklist


  • Provide bright, indirect light.
  • Avoid direct sun, especially during midday hours.
  • Rotate your plant occasionally for even growth.


  • Water moderately, allowing the top inch of soil to dry out completely between waterings.
  • Avoid overwatering, which can lead to root rot.
  • Empty any water that collects in the drainage tray.


  • Use a well-draining, aerated potting mix.
  • A mixture of potting mix, perlite, and orchid bark is a good option.
  • Repot every 1-2 years or when the plant outgrows its current pot.


  • Maintain a warm environment, ideally between 65-80°F (18-29°C).
  • Avoid cold drafts and sudden temperature fluctuations.


  • Increase humidity around the plant with regular misting or a humidifier.
  • Aim for moderate to high humidity levels (around 50-60%).

How Do You Take Proper Care of a Philodendron Red Sun?

Although a red sun is a low-maintenance plant, proper care, and attention can make it grow fast, stay healthy, and thrive for long.

Here is the proper care regime you need to follow to make your plant grow and thrive without any severe issues.

Thriving Fundamentals


Unlike all other varieties of Philodendrons, a red sun prefers indirect, bright light. Brighter light can help it produce more vibrant and colorful leaves.

light requirement

However, avoid placing the plant in areas with direct scorching sunlight. Extremely low light is also not good for the overall health of the plant.


Watering a Philodendron plays an important role in keeping the plant healthy. Most Philodendrons have medium watering needs so, avoid over-watering. Always water a red sun after checking the top 2 inches of the soil. Only water your plant if the top 1/3 of the soil dries out completely.


As you all know Philodendrons prefer well-draining and aerated soil. A loose soil prevents water logging and also reduces the risk of over-watering.

You can prepare your own potting soil mix by combining equal parts of peat moss, potting soil, orchid bark, and perlite. This potting mix can be ideal for your Philodendron Red Sun.

Did You Know

How big can a red sun Philodendron grow? At maturity, a red sun Philodendron can grow up to 24 inches (61cm) in height.

Cultivating Comfort


A red sun thrives well in temperatures between 65 to 80 degrees Fahrenheit. Being exposed to excessive heat or cold drafts can make the leaves yellow, which drop off easily and also stop the growth of the plant.

So, make sure your Philodendron is placed in standard room temperatures.


In their natural environment, Philodendrons grow in warm and humid weather conditions. So, these plants prefer higher humidity levels to grow well.

However, if you are in any place with less humidity then, use a humidifier to increase the humidity level around the plant.


Always use a balanced and diluted fertilizer to make your red sun happy and healthy. Use fertilizers during summer and spring as the plant’s growing period.

Growth and Maintenance


A little pruning can be beneficial for the plant as a red sun does not need to be pruned much. To maintain the appearance and health of the plant you can cut off the dead and yellow leaves using sterilized pruning shears.

pruning for shape

To encourage new growth at the beginning of the growing season cut back the stems to the soil level. If you want more information on trimming read this: Simple Steps to Trimming Philodendrons Like a Pro.


You need to re-pot your red sun once a year or whenever you notice that the plant has doubled in size. Repotting the plant into a larger pot than the current one using fresh potting soil can be the best option for your plant.

Repotting should be done in spring or summer when the soil is too compact and it is also the growing season of a Philodendron.

Treat Common Issues

Treating common issues like yellowing or browning of leaves can make your plant stay healthy for years. You need to look after problems like underwatering, overwatering, pests, and diseases that can affect your Philodendron.

Overwatering can cause root rot which may lead to yellowing or discoloration of the leaves. on the other hand, underwatering can make the leaves crispy and brown.

Mistakes to Avoid When Caring for a Red Sun

OverwateringCan cause wilting of leaves and root rot.Use a pot with enough drainage holes and water the plant only after checking the moisture level of the top 2 inches of the soil.
Insufficient LightCan lead to loss of vibrant color and promotes leggy growth.Place the plant in bright, indirect light. Avoid direct scorching sunlight.
Incorrect SoilStops growth rate and causes root suffocation.Always use aerated and well-draining soil.
Less HumidityMakes the leaves crispy and dry.Use a pebble tray, or humidifier to increase humidity around the plant. Misting is also important.
PestsInsects like mealy bugs, spiders, and mites can cause severe damage to the plant.Take immediate action if you notice your Philodendron is affected by pests. Use neem oil or insecticidal soap to treat them.

Can Philodendron Red Sun Be Toxic to Pets?

Unlike most varieties of Philodendrons, a red sun contains calcium oxalate crystals that can be harmful to your pets and even children. So, yes a red sun Philodendron can be toxic to pets.

It can cause swelling, irritation, and vomiting if ingested. So, keep your pets and children away from the red sun.

Wrapping Up

A Philodendron Red Sun requires a little care and attention to stay healthy and happy. This colorful plant can add that extra beauty to your indoor space and thus, it is loved by most gardeners.

By following the tips and tricks shared in this post, it will become easier for you to grow a red sun and keep it healthy without being worried. So, get this lovely variety of Philodendrons today and make your home and office look more fresh and attractive.

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My name is Ellie Jonas, and I’m a writer, editor, and lifelong plant lover. With over 12 years of experience in growing different varieties of philodendrons and other indoor plants, I inspire and educate new gardeners with a focus on planet-friendly gardening practices.

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