Where to Place Your Pink Princess Philodendron for Optimal Growth?

Being an elegant variety of philodendron, a pink princess can enhance the look of the place where it is kept. However, placing this stunning plant in the right spot can make it healthy and grow fast.

Here are the factors you need to consider when placing a pink princess in any indoor space. Check them out to find out the best place for your beloved plant.

Which is the Best Place to Put a Philodendron Pink Princess?

pink princess on the table

If placed in the right place your beloved pink princess will grow and thrive without any severe issues.

Light Requirements

Most varieties of philodendrons prefer indirect bright light to grow and thrive. Here are the signs that a pink princess shows with sufficient and insufficient light.

Ideal Locations

Location plays an important factor in determining the good health of the plant. Here are some of the ideal spots to grow a pink princess.

South or East-facing Windows

Placing a pink princess near these windows can help them receive bright, indirect light throughout the day.

A Little Backward From a South-facing Window

Placing the plant a few feet back from the window to avoid direct, harsh, scorching afternoon sun allows it to get the amount of indirect, bright light needed.

Rooms With Ample Natural Light

Placing your favorite philodendron in rooms with large windows can be a good idea. This will help the plant receive diffused sunlight for most of the day.

No Direct Sunlight

Placing a pink princess in direct sunlight should always be avoided. Scorching sunlight can cause brown, dry patches on leaves and damage them completely.

What Are the Factors to Consider When Finding the Best Place for a Pink Princess?

Indoor plants are placed in a living room where they get sufficient indirect bright light.

To make your plant survive for long and stay healthy, the tips shared below should be taken into consideration.

Light Needed

As you all know philodendrons love indirect bright light to grow and thrive so, aim for 6 to 8 hours of filtered light each day.

Indirect light reduces sunburn risk and provides the perfect balance for photosynthesis.

However, to prevent any damage to the plant keep it away from direct, scorching sunlight.


As mentioned above south-facing windows are considered to be a perfect place to keep a pink princess. Placing the plant near these windows can help it to receive indirect sunlight throughout the day.

However, it is better to move the plant slightly back from the widow during the afternoon when the sun’s rays are harsh and intense.

Keeping a pink princess near a west-facing window is best during the afternoon as, these windows offer indirect, light during this time.

You can also place your philodendron in rooms with large windows for that diffused sunlight. Using grow lights is recommended during cloudy days or winter months when the sunlight is a bit weak.


Being a tropical plant philodendrons prefer warm and humid weather conditions to stay healthy and thrive well. So the ideal temperature of the place where a pink princess is kept should range between 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit.

Frequent fluctuations in temperature can cause stress to the plant and thus, lead to leaf drop or stunted growth. Always keep your philodendron away from heat sources like radiators or vents and air conditioners or cold drafts.

Humidity Level

To maintain hydrated and healthy foliage the humidity level of the place where a pink princess is kept should be around 50 to 70 %. The leaves may become crispy, curled, or brown if the air is too dry.

Placement Considerations: Pink Princess

Pink Leaves on a Pink Princess

Keep the Plant Away From Direct Airflow

If exposed to direct airflow the leaves of a pink princess can tear, curl, or dry out. So it is necessary to keep this beautiful plant away from heaters, frequently opened windows, and air conditioning vents.

The plant might get bumped or exposed to sudden changes in airflow if placed in high-traffic areas. So, avoid these places.

Aesthetics Matter

This naturally beautiful plant should always be placed in any location where it can stand out and be admired.

Considering its overall aesthetic and beautiful foliage you can keep a pink princess in hanging baskets, a well-lit shelf, or a plant stand in a corner.

You can also create a mini jungle by grouping a pink princess with other houseplants that have similar needs. Neutral-colored furniture and walls go well with this stunning variety of philodendrons.

Final Thought

A pink princess can thrive and grow fast in the right environment. Placing this tropical plant in any location with the right amount of light, humidity, soil, and temperature can add a touch of elegance to your home.

So, choose the best and right spot in your home before getting this lovely plant.

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My name is Ellie Jonas, and I’m a writer, editor, and lifelong plant lover. With over 12 years of experience in growing different varieties of philodendrons and other indoor plants, I inspire and educate new gardeners with a focus on planet-friendly gardening practices.

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