Philodendron Glorious Complete Care Guide

Philodendron glorious is a rare household plant that is a cross between Philodendron gloriosum and Melanochrysum. It has large, velvety leaves with light-colored leaf veins and edges.

It is a climber and can grow taller when mature. It can reach a height of 6 to 9 feet, and its leaves are 8 inches wide and 20 inches long.

this is a philodendron glorious plant with large leaves placed on a green background.

Go through this post to learn more about a Philodendron glorious and also find out different ways to take care of this plant so that it grows fast and thrives.

Philodendron Glorious Plant Care

Taking proper care of a glorious plant can make it healthy, grow faster, and survive longer. Here are a few useful tips you should follow:

Potting and Soil


Using perlite or a good aroid soil mix can provide complete support to the plant and also prevent the soil from getting too soggy. A well-draining soil mix can also prevent root rot.

A ceramic or plastic pot can be used to place the Philodendron Glorious in it. To give space to the roots and prevent root rot, the pots should have enough drainage holes.

As this plant grows taller when mature, you need to use a trellis or a moss pole to support the plant when it climbs upwards during the growing period.

Light Requirement


Although a glorious should not be kept in the direct, scorching sunlight, it prefers indirect, bright sunlight. If you want to plant it outdoors, then, place it in a shadier part or near large trees or canopies.

Filtered and dappled sunlight is best for this plant, and thus, when kept indoors, it should always be placed near a window through which indirect sunlight comes in. If there is a lack of bright light, then use artificial growing lights and place the plant under them. You can also grow a glorious tree on your balcony so, that it gets sufficient bright light.

Watering the Plant

Unlike all other varieties of philodendron, a glorious also does not require an excess amount of water to grow. Overwatering can be harmful to the plant.

You can water a glorious once or twice a week during the warm summer months. However, it is always suggested to check the moisture level of the soil before watering.

If you feel the top layer of the soil is dry, you can water your plant more than twice during the summer. Also, make sure the excess water drains away from the drainage holes. Proper watering can make your plant stay healthy and thrive longer.

Humidity and Temperature Are Needed

As most varieties of Philodendrons are from tropical areas, they prefer warm and humid weather to grow and survive.

If you stay in cold areas, then make sure you use a humidifier around the plant and place it near some source of heating.

The best temperature to grow a Philodendendron glorious is between 65 to 85 degrees Fahrenheit. The humidity should be between 60% to 80% so that the plant can absorb nutrients from the soil.

Fertilizer Used

Although a Philodendron glorious does not need to be fed frequently, a proper feeding schedule should be followed to maintain the good health of the plant and make it grow faster.

You should use a good-quality fertilizer with a balanced NPK ratio. The NPK fertilizer should be used once or twice a month during the summer, fall, and spring. The fertilizer used should contain a good amount of nitrogen. Do not use fertilizer before, every 6 weeks during the cold winter months.

Both liquid and slow-release fertilizers can be used to grow a glorious plant. A slow-release fertilizer lasts longer than a liquid fertilizer and requires fewer feedings.

Using undiluted fertilizer can cause severe damage to your plant. So, always dilute the fertilizer before using it. Overfeeding cannot do any good to the plant other than cause leaf burn and damage.

Repotting and Growth of the Plant

A glorious plant can take a couple of years to grow and mature completely. As the root system develops slowly and steadily, the plant takes time to grow. New leaves can be noticed one or two months after planting the glorious.

As the plant can grow up to a height of 9 feet, it should be repotted in a bigger pot when it starts becoming mature. Unnecessary repotting should be avoided because changing the pot frequently can cause damage to the plant.

As long as there is enough space for the root to spread out, you do not have to re-pot it.

Problems When Growing a Philodendron Glorious

A most common problem with a glorious can be due to overwatering. Here are some other problems that you should consider while growing glorious.

Leaves Are Becoming Yellow

Due to improper drainage and overwatering, the leaves of a Philodendron glorious may turn yellow. There is a chance of root rot, and the root cannot breathe freely if the excess water does not seep out completely.

Due to overwatering, the plant may lack essential nutrients, and thus, its growth stops. So always place a glorious in a pot with more than 3 holes and use porous soil.

If you want to place the plant somewhere outdoors, always choose a spot where rainwater does not accumulate. To improve the quality and texture of the soil, always add organic matter.

Root Getting Rot

Excessively soggy soil can lead to root rot. It is a common problem among all the varieties of Philodendrons, including the glorious.

To avoid this situation, stop watering your plant on a daily basis. Excess moisture can also cause root rot. Always use a good soil mix.

If you want more information on root rot read this: Philodendron Root Rot: Identification and Treatment

Pests and Diseases

Pests can cause damage to your plant, even if it is kept indoors. Insects like spider mites and aphids can lay eggs on the leaves of your philodendron while feeding. So, more insects that come out of the eggs very easily can cause severe damage to your plant and also make it weak and lifeless.

If you notice any of these pests, then wash your plant thoroughly from top to bottom. Natural oils like neem oil can be a great option to get rid of pests. You can also use chemical insecticides if the condition is very bad.

Tips to Make a Philodendron Glorious Grow Fast and Stay Healthy

  • A glorious should be kept under indirect, bright light and away from direct sunlight.
  • The pots should have enough holes for proper drainage.
  • To improve soil quality and texture, organic matter should be added.
  • Avoid overwatering and check the first 3 inches of soil before watering.
  • Keep away the plant affected by pests from other plants to prevent contamination.

Wrapping Up

Taking care of a glorious is also very easy, like other varieties of philodendron. This beautiful plant with velvety leaves can enhance the look of your house when kept indoors.

I hope this article will make you more confident about growing glorious, and you will not be able to resist getting one today.


  1. Is Philodendron Glorious Rare?

    A glorious is a cross between 2 other varieties of philodendron, and thus, it is quite rare. Because of its big, heart-shaped, velvety leaves, this houseplant is loved by most collectors.

  2. Does Philodendron Glorious Climb or Crawl?

    A philodendron glorious is a climber like its parent plant, the Melanochrysum. Although it grows quite tall when mature, it starts growing mature leaves even before maturing completely. Due to its height, it sometimes scrambles and slides off the climbing support while growing.

  3. What is a Philodendron Glorious?

    A philodendron glorious is a hybrid plant, i.e., a cross between the philodendron Melanochrysum and gloriosum. This plant carries similar traits from both parent plants. It has beautiful heart-shaped velvety leaves with white veins.

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My name is Ellie Jonas, and I’m a writer, editor, and lifelong plant lover. With over 12 years of experience in growing different varieties of philodendrons and other indoor plants, I inspire and educate new gardeners with a focus on planet-friendly gardening practices.

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