Perfect Soil Mix for a Healthy Pink Princess Philodendron

The right care and perfect soil mixture can make your beloved Pink Princess flourish like never before. Plant parents often complain about their Philodendrons’ slow growth rate and health issues. However, there are a few tips you need to follow to make your Pink Princess gorgeous forever.

soil ingredients

A key element for a healthy and happy plant is its soil mix. So, find out the best soil for a Philodendron Pink Princess in this post.

Why is a Soil Mix So Important for the Plant?

In its natural environment, this stunning plant creeps and climbs amongst trees, clinging its roots to the bark and enjoying rich, aerated soil. So, you must ensure the soil mix used in your home is well-draining and airy. Their delicate roots should not be heavy or soggy so, regular potting mix can be too dense for a Pink Princess.

Air circulation around the roots and proper drainage is crucial for this plant to stay healthy and thrive well. As a Pink Princess belongs to the aroid family, using the right soil mix and creating a well-draining environment will result in stunning variegation and vibrant foliage for this variety of Philodendrons.

What Are the Ingredients Required to Prepare an Ideal Soil Mix?

Potting Mix

An ideal soil mix provides essential nutrients to the plant. So, always choose a high-quality, well-draining potting mix for your beloved Pink Princess. The houseplant potting mix should contain a good amount of composted bark, and peat moss for aeration and moisture retention.

The roots of the Philodendron can retain too much water and get suffocated if the potting mix contains a lot of clay or is too dense.

Aeration Ingredients

The ingredients shared below are some of the best options for the healthy growth of a Pink Princess.

Orchid Bark

For more air circulation you can use chunks of orchid bark. This ingredient holds on moisture and provides excellent aeration and drainage. However, they need to be replaced from time to time as, they break down over time.

Coconut Coir

Coconut coir can be a good alternative to perlite. It offers both drainage and moisture retention which is beneficial for the plant. Made from husks of coconut this coir is a renewable resource.


Perlite is readily available in nurseries and online stores. These lightweight, small, white volcanic rock particles improve aeration and drainage and thus can be the best choice for beginners.

Potting Mix Ratios

soil mix comparative

After choosing the right ingredients and environment you can prepare a ratio of ideal potting mix for your Pink Princess. Here are some of them.

Simple Mix

You can start by combining 2 parts of the potting mix with one part of perlite, coconut choir, or orchid bark for a Pink Princess. Increase the proportion of perlite if you are in a place with humid weather conditions. Mixing 1 part of potting mix with 3 parts of perlite can help in faster drainage in humid climates.

Aroid Mix

Using aroid mix for your Philodendrons can be a good option for excellent air circulation and drainage. You can create it on your own by combining equal parts of orchid bark, potting mix, and perite.

If the potting mix is denser and you want that ideal balance then, add some more orchid bark or perlite to the aroid mix. You can also buy an aroid mix from your nearby nurseries.

Coco Coir Mix

Coco coir dries out faster than orchid bark or perlite. So, you can use a 1:1 ratio of potting mix to coco coir. For easy airflow and drainage, you can add a small amount of orchid bark or perlite to the coco coir mix.

Essential Tips for Thriving Growth

pink princess on the table

Here are some additional tips to make your Pink Princess thrive well.

Select the Right Pot

Getting the right pot for your favorite Philodendron is important for that desired result. You can use plastic pots that are quite cheap and lightweight. On the other hand, terracotta pots offer better breathability.

To prevent water logging choose a pot that is slightly larger than the root ball. Make sure the pot has enough drainage holes to drain away excess water freely. Here is some additional information on the best pot that you might find helpful: Best Pots for Growing Healthy Philodendrons: Upgrade It Now!

Signs of Using the Wrong Mix

Using improper soil mix can make your Pink Princess unhappy. They can come up with different signs like root rot or lack of new leaves.

These problems can arise due to using compacted soil or drainage issues. The plant can lack nutrients because of using an overly dense soil mix.

Water When Needed

Watering wisely is necessary to make your plant stay healthy. Overwatering may lead to root rot and other fungal diseases. So, always check the soil’s moisture level before watering the plant.

If you notice wilting of leaves then, the plant may be thirsty. However, never conclude anything without checking the moisture level of the top 2 inches of the soil. If you want more information on watering read this: Watering Your Pink Princess: The Perfect Schedule

The Most Effective Ratio Recommendation

The most effective ratio for a Philodendron Pink Princess is a 1:1:1 mix of orchid bark, potting mix, and perlite. This ratio will help make an aerated and well-draining environment for your beloved plant.


A potting mix, orchid bark, and perlite in the right proportion is necessary for that well-balanced foundation. Using worm castings, coconut coir or charcoal also acts as “power-ups” for the plant.

Always remember that aeration and well drainage are necessary for vibrant variegation and healthy roots. I hope this post will guide you craft a perfect soil mix for your favorite Pink Princess.

Pre-mixed orchid or aroid potting mixes are easily available in nurseries or online. So, you can get them for your houseplants if you don’t want to prepare them on your own. 

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My name is Ellie Jonas, and I’m a writer, editor, and lifelong plant lover. With over 12 years of experience in growing different varieties of philodendrons and other indoor plants, I inspire and educate new gardeners with a focus on planet-friendly gardening practices.

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