5 Soil Mistakes to Avoid With Your Pink Princess

The key to a healthy and happy pink princess starts with using the right soil. The potting mix used while growing this tropical plant determines its overall health and beauty. A little mistake can make your beloved plant suffer.

Here, I will discuss the 5 common soil mistakes to avoid with your pink princess so, that it can add some extra beauty to your home with its stunning variegation.

Common Soil Mistakes to Avoid and How to Fix Them

A beautiful pink princess has specific needs when it comes to their potting mix. So, you should avoid the mistakes shared below when growing this gorgeous houseplant.

Using the Wrong Soil Mix

Using the wrong soil mix can be disastrous for a pink princess. Regular potting mix holds too much moisture which should be avoided. Unlike, all other varieties of philodendrons a pink princess prefers well-draining, aerated soil.

Two images side by side: a vibrant pink princess plant and a person gently holding rich soil, celebrating growth and care.

An aroid-specific potting mix prevents water logging and allows excess water to drain out easily. This makes your plant breathable and comfortable. Here is some additional information on soil mix that you might find helpful: Perfect Soil Mix for a Healthy Pink Princess

DIY Soil Mix

You can make your potting mix at home using ingredients like orchid bark, perlite, and peat moss. Use 50% peat moss as it helps to retain moisture. However, the roots can get suffocated if too much peat moss is used.

You should include 30% of orchid bark in your homemade soil mix to provide good circulation, excellent drainage, and aeration. Using 20 % perlite which is a volcanic rock can also help in proper air circulation, and drainage and provides your favorite plant with that utmost comfort.

Avoid Using Heavy Soil

A pink princess needs light and airy soil to stay in her best condition. So, using heavy soil means letting your beloved philodendron get drowned in a giant puddle. Using heavy soil suffocates the roots and thus, makes it hard for the plant to breathe.

Heavy soil soaks too much water leaving the roots in a soggy mess. This can cause several diseases and root rot. With time, the heavy soil becomes compacted and thus, the water and air cannot reach the roots properly.


A potting mix containing perlite, coarse sand, and orchid bark can be best for a pink princess. These ingredients prevent the soil from getting compacted, create air pockets, and improve drainage.

You can turn the soil into a breathable paradise loosening the existing soil and mixing the right potting mix. To make the mix fluffy and light, go for a ratio of about 70% potting mix to 30% amendment.

After repotting the pot, you need to check whether the water drains out completely from the drainage holes. If not, you may need to add more amendments.


Overwatering is a common mistake with a pink princess. Using too much water can cause serious problems for the plant. The main drawback of over-watering is root rot. The roots stay wet and soggy and don’t get enough oxygen. This causes them to rot and, slowly your plant dies.

A vibrant pink princess philodendron in a white pot

Using excess water can also cause different fungal diseases. Fungi grow in swampy environments and, over watering makes a suitable environment for them to grow. A plant affected by fungal diseases will have wilted leaves, leaf spots, and other problems. If you are interested in Spotless Pink Princess, you can read more about it here: Effective Leaf Cleaning Techniques


To prevent overwatering it is always suggested to check the moisture level of the soil. Stick your finger about an inch into the soil; if you feel the potting mix to be completely dry then, it is the time to water your plant. Wait for a few days if you feel the soil is moist.

Make sure the pot has enough drainage holes to drain away excess water. Proper drainage prevents the roots from sitting in a soggy mess. Repot the plant in a new pot with fresh soil if, the current pot does not have enough drainage holes.

Overwatering can also lead to problems like yellowing or droopy leaves. So, observe your plant before watering.

Avoid Using a Pot Without Drainage

Your pink princess can get completely stressed out and uncomfortable if left in extremely soggy soil for long. So, for the well-being of the plant, using a pot with proper drainage is very important.

The roots get rotten when the water has nowhere to go due to improper drainage. This can kill the plant before time. Without proper drainage, the salts from fertilizers have no way to escape and build up in the soil. This can harm the overall health of the plant.

Fixing Pots Without Drainage

As mentioned above, the pot you are using to grow a pink princess should have enough drainage holes to prevent salt build-up and root rot by allowing the excess water to drain out.

You can also place a drainage tray under the pot to catch excess water. To prevent the plant from sitting in a puddle, empty the tray regularly.

(Comprehensive Guide): Where to Place Your Pink Princess

Avoid Overcrowding

As the pink princess grows it needs some personal space to flourish. With time, you will notice the plant will outgrow its pot with cramped roots. Letting your pink princess crowded out can cause several health issues for the plant and also hinder its growth.

The roots cannot absorb water and nutrients properly if they are crowded. This may lead to yellowing of leaves making your plant look unhealthy. Also, the plant completely absorbs the nutrients in the soil over time. So, repotting with fresh soil is necessary so, that your pink princess can get the essential nutrients again.


Repotting should be done whenever you notice that the plant is getting overcrowded with the roots coming out of the drainage holes. Repotting every 1 to 2 years can be best for your beloved philodendron.

While repotting you need to get a larger pot than the current one. Fill the pot with well-draining, aerated soil. Gently take your pink princess out of the old pot and plant it in the new pot with fresh soil mix. Water the plant thoroughly.

Repotting gives the plant enough space so, that it can absorb the nutrients efficiently and thrive well.

Final Touch Up

Always remember plants with happy roots are healthy and happy plants. So, ditching regular potting mix and providing your pink princess with a pot that has good drainage can make a big difference in your plant’s beauty and health.

So, avoid the soil mistakes shared in this post and turn your pink princess soil into a breathable paradise.

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My name is Ellie Jonas, and I’m a writer, editor, and lifelong plant lover. With over 12 years of experience in growing different varieties of philodendrons and other indoor plants, I inspire and educate new gardeners with a focus on planet-friendly gardening practices.

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