Monstera Light Needs: Too Much or Too Little?

A Monstera is a beautiful variety of philodendron that can add a touch of beauty to your home. So, to keep this tropical plant in its best health you need to fulfill some of its needs. Providing the right amount of light is essential to maintain the overall health and growth of this plant.

So, knowing how much light a Monstera needs is important to keep the plant happy and thriving. Here, I have shared the ideal light conditions, and signs of insufficient light so, that you can grow one of them without facing issues.

How Much Light Does a Monstera Need?

Unlike most varieties of philodendrons, Monstera prefers to hang out near a window with a gentle, soft light. Understand its light requirements below.

A Monstera plant

Big No to Direct Sunlight

Monsters are not a big fan of direct scorching sunlight. Harsh rays of the sun can cause severe damage to its delicate leaves. Too intense rays of the sun can burn the leaves and you may notice blemishes and spots on the leaves.

Say Yes to Indirect Light

Monster loves to stay in indirect bright light as it helps them promote their sturdy stems and vibrant green leaves. Soft, natural light makes them healthy, and strong and also reduces the risk of sunburn.

They Can Somehow Adjust

Although sufficient bright indirect light is best, to grow this plant, they can adjust themselves in places with lower light conditions. However, their growth may slow down and the leaves might not be as big and beautiful if they do not receive that extra light.

What Are the Ideal Light Conditions for Monsters?

Here is a perfect lighting guide you should follow when growing this houseplant.

light requirement

Go for Bright but Indirect Light

Even though Monsteras love bright light, they cannot tolerate direct, harsh rays of the sun. So, place this plant in any location with bright but indirect light.

Prevent Sunburn

To prevent the plant from getting sunburn keep them away from windows where they can get hit directly by the sun. Sunburn can make their leaves turn brown and crispy.

A Shadier Spot is Fine

A Monstera can survive in lower light conditions than direct sunlight. So, you do not have to worry if there is no super bright spot at your home. A Monstera can adjust with a slightly shadier spot. However, more light is better to keep the plant healthy and happy.

What Are the Signs of Excessive or Insufficient Light?

Both lack of light and excessive light can cause some side effects on the plant. Here are some signs of the same.

Leaves Turning Yellow

Without sufficient light, the leaves of a Monstera can turn yellow. However, the yellowing of leaves can also be a sign of over-watering. So, check the moisture level of the soil before watering the plant.

Leggy Growth

if you notice your plant grow towards the light source it means the Monstera is not getting sufficient light and needs more. Lack of light can lead to leggy growth with long, spindly stems.

Burned Leaves

Too much exposure to direct scorching sunlight can burn and damage the delicate leaves of a Monstera. So, if you notice bleached patches or brown spots on the leaves then, be sure the plant is getting too much sun which can make it unhealthy.

Ways to Provide Optimal Light to Monsteras

Monstera plant

Follow the tips below to ensure your beloved Monstera receives sufficient light for proper health and growth.

#When Placing Indoors

A Bright Window is the Best

Placing a Monstera near east or west-facing windows can be ideal for the plant as it will get gentle, indirect, morning and afternoon light instead of harsh scorching midday rays. Intense rays of the sun can scorch their leaves.

Placing the plant near a north-facing window can hamper its growth. Try using a grow light if you only have north-facing windows.

Windows Orientation is Important

As discussed above east and west-facing windows offer a balance of light and shade. So, placing your favorite plant near these windows can prevent them from getting exposed to intense midday rays.

On the other hand, a north-facing window offers consistent light but, it might not be bright enough for the healthy growth of a Monstera. Insufficient light can cause slower growth, smaller leaves, and leggy stems. Use grow lights, especially during winter months when the sun rays are limited.

#Using Artificial Lights

Low-light Conditions

Using grow lights can be beneficial for your Monstera if, you do not have a bright window. Grow lights can be used to supplement the natural light especially if your home has limited natural light and during the winter months.

Right Bulbs Are Necessary

Choosing the right bulb can only provide the essential light that the plant needs. So, try out full-spectrum grow lights that emit a wide range of wavelengths and are meant for indoor plants.

Light Adjustment

The duration of light and the ideal distance plays a vital role when using grow lights. Provide your plant with 12 to 16 hours of light daily and always place the grow light 12 inches above your plant. Adjustment should be done considering the intensity of the light and your plant’s needs.

Use a Timer

Using a timer can be a good idea as it will automatically turn your grow light on and off. This will keep your plant healthy, by stimulating natural daylight cycles.

#Rotate the Plant

Avoid Uneven Growth

Rotating a Monstera regularly will help it grow evenly without leaning toward the light source. Rotation will also prevent the plant from developing uneven growth patterns.

Weekly Rotation

If rotating the plant regularly is not possible then, try to rotate a Monstera at least once a week. This will promote balanced growth, and development and all the sides of the plant will receive an equal amount of light.

Take Away

Monsteras love indirect bright light to grow and thrive well like most other varieties of philodendrons. Sometimes, they can also survive in low light conditions but, placing them in direct scorching sunlight is a big “NO”.

Insufficient and excessive lights can cause different issues in a Monstera. So, try to use the right amount of light and keep your favorite Monstera healthy and happy forever.

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My name is Ellie Jonas, and I’m a writer, editor, and lifelong plant lover. With over 12 years of experience in growing different varieties of philodendrons and other indoor plants, I inspire and educate new gardeners with a focus on planet-friendly gardening practices.

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