This image is a close-up of a green leaf with white text and graphics on it.

Hey, I am Ellie Jonas, and the editor, and writer of my website philodendron talk. Before talking much about my website I want to share with you all a small incident from my childhood that made me a philodendron lover.

Who Am I

Hey, I am Ellie Jonas, and the editor, and writer of my website Philodendron Talk. Before talking much about my website I want to share with you all a small incident from my childhood that made me a philodendron lover.

During my vacations, I used to visit my grandparents. They stayed in the countryside with lots of green around them. Although I loved spending time in a natural environment with a lot of greenery, planting trees or gardening was not my cup of tea. My grandfather had a big garden where he used to spend most of the time taking care of the plants. He used to treat every plant as his own child and irrespective of his age he never, stopped gardening.

Although my siblings were fond of gardening, it did not attract me much. Every tree planted by me used to die before growing. This used to disappoint me very much. I used to plant under the guidance of my grandfather by following his instructions but, every time my hard work used to go in vain.


Being, a kid I used to feel guilty about killing a plant. Since then, I used to stay away from gardening. One day during spring I went to my grandparent’s place. Like all other times of the year, I saw my grandfather gardening. However, this time I saw a new plant that my grandfather bought for planting. As it was a climber so, my grandfather was searching for a place to plant it. I was curious about it and asked him which plant it was.

My grandfather said he would only reveal the name of the plant if I plant it with him. Although I was curious but, I denied thinking it would also die like other plants if I planted it. My grandfather told me that it is a magic plant and can grow and survive even without much care.

At last, I was convinced and planted it with my grandfather inside the house. Although I was quite happy, the thought of whether this plant would survive or not was making me tense inside.

Over the phone I used to ask my grandfather about the plant but, he kept it secret and always said there was a surprise for me. The next time when I visited my grandfather’s place I was very much curious about the plant. As soon as I entered the house I saw a beautiful plant with large leaves and gorgeous colors.

My grandfather said it is the same plant planted by me. There was no end to my happiness and first time ever a plant planted by me survived and grew to be a beautiful plant. As promised by my grandfather he told me that the plant was known to be Philodendron.


It is mainly a houseplant but can be kept outdoors as well. Philodendrons are available in a huge variety and they purify air by removing toxins from the air. This plant has a different beautiful appearance and enhances the beauty of our house.

I was so relaxed and surprised after knowing every detail about the philodendron. Since then, I became so fond of philodendrons that trees with beautiful flowers and ripe fruits also failed to attract me more than a philodendron.

I started learning more about philodendrons from books and visiting the library. Since then, my research on this beautiful plant started and I became more curious about the different varieties of philodendron.

I also made a small garden in my house and till today the most common plant in my garden is a different variety of philodendron. I used to collect information from the internet and also followed blog posts written by famous botanists on the philodendron. 12 years of research work on the philodendron has made me an expert today.

I have a Pinterest account with 856 monthly views where I share more detailed information about planting philodendrons and their care. I have huge followers on Instagram, Twitter, and YouTube. They say my videos and stories have inspired them, a lot and most of my followers have a philodendron at their house.

It is a low-maintenance plant and just needs proper watering, indirect bright light, and humid weather conditions to grow and survive. Its beautiful color and large leaves create a relaxing environment when kept at your home or office. Some of these plants can be quite expensive however, pruning and repotting them over time makes them last for years and also helps in growing new plants from their stems.

Yellowing of leaves and pests are some of its drawbacks. However, this can be easily recovered if proper care is taken. On my website, I have shared vast information about growing and taking care of different varieties of philodendrons.

I am also in contact with some well-known experts today and shared my views and opinion after a lot of research so, that my followers get inspired and plant a philodendron to make our earth free from polluted air.

In the beginning, I also had to go through a lot of failures. However after a lot of studies today I am proud to think of myself as a philodendron expert who can guide and provide answers to all the queries of her followers. My grandfather is no more in this world but, I dedicated my success to him as what I am today because of his inspiration and love.

I have tried to provide the most accurate information in my blog posts and covered most topics on philodendron after collecting genuine information from different mediums.

In case you notice any inaccuracy while going through my blog posts or checking out my Quora, Instagram, or YouTube account then, feel free to contact me. After all small mistakes can sometimes be done even, by the most perfect person.

Lastly, I hope the information that I have shared on my website philodendron talk helps you get answers to your queries on philodendrons and you also become fond of gardening and start planting them, like me. I have shared all the tips, and tricks that I have learned from experts in my blog posts and other social media platforms so that my followers can plant and take proper care of a philodendron without any difficulties.